Chapter 4

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Jin turned around and left from there , Haeun took a step forwards and whispered " Jin...."


Jin walked ahead lost in thoughts

' I shouldn't have said that....even if she lost her memory , she will realise soon....I shouldn't expect her to love me , just because she has changed . I shouldn't hope for something that I will never get , it would only hurt me later '

He stopped in his track as he stood there surprised seeing the person infront of him " Mother...." the woman frowned and glared at him " Didn't I tell you not to call me that " Seokjin looked down , sadness crept his heart . " You couldn't marry the crown princess and you're also not loved by the third princess . How did I gave birth to a good for nothing like you? If only I had a daughter , it's a shame you're my only child " Jin didn't look up and Advisor  Lee looked at him with disdain " move aside , don't block my path " .

" What are you saying Advisor Lee? "

Jin looked at her as she walked near them smiling but her gaze was cold
" Who said Jin isn't loved by me? He is the most precious to me , everyday it feels like I'm falling in love with him even more " Jin looked at her with wide eyes as he blushed and his heart beat fasten " Haeun...." .

Advisor Lee was shocked to see her like this " It's been a long time I last saw you , you've changed you don't get scared by me anymore . I'm disciplining my son , does the princess intend to intervene? "

" Haeun....don't...." Jin tried to stop her but got silent when she put a finger on his lips " quite " Haeun turned back to the prime minister and smirked
" You're my mother-in-law but in public you're just a subordinate of the empress . You don't need to know wheather I've changed or not . The empress is still ruling this kingdom , yet after seeing one of her mejesty's daughter you haven't bowed and greeted me . This Kingdom is ruled by the Kim clan not the Lee clan , what are you waiting for ? " Haeun said raising a eyebrow at her , Jin was surprised with this side of her .

" Official Lee greets the third princess " and bowed to to her " You've given me a new impression , it's almost as if your soul has changed . It's a shame though , that you still have....poor taste in men " she said holding Jin's hand and pulling his sleve up and smirking at the red mole in disdain " Mother...." , Jin felt humiliated as he looked down . Haeun pulled him away and stood in front of him " Advisor Lee , how can you humiliate my husband like that ! Our married life is perfectly fine , you don't need to interfere in it ! Seokjin is my husband and I won't tolerate it if someone disrespects him " she held Jin's hand and left while Advisor Lee was looking at her back ' You really have changed third princess ' .


Seokjin paced around the room while Haeun sighed the 50th time

" Will you just sit down? "

" Haeun , You were too rude . My mother currently has the most power , why would you carelessly offend her for such a minor thing ? " Jin asked her , he was worried for her already there are threats to her life .

" minor thing? How can you even say that? I wouldn't let others disrespect you ! "

Jin opened his mouth to say something but was cutoff by Haeun

" Don't worry about me but tell me Jin , aren't you mad that your own mother humiliated you ? Said those thing about you? " Jin was at loss of words , was he mad? No one ever asked what he felt . It did hurts everytime he see's the disappointment on his mother's face but....he looked at Haeun ' For you , I can listen every insult she throws at me ' .

" Haeun....seeing you taking stand for me today , made me really happy . However  , don't take such risks for me again . I don't care about these kind of things....I only care about your safety . Knowing that you care about me , it's enough for me "

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