Chapter 18

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Namjoon entered the South palace and looked around for his brother ' Does Hyung know about know about first princess wanting to marry me? Even though it's normal , but it's not right . I should let him know....but where is he ?..'

He asked a servant who told him he's in his chamber , Namjoon went towards it but his feet stopped and his eyes widen when he heard his brother's plea for stopping . He rushed towards the room and pull open door , his was shocked at the horrible sight infront of him . His brother was on floor with his bare upper body getting his by the whip , Soomin....she was beating him .

" Forgive me ! Please ! " Namgil said trembling , his body was covered with new and old scars " Forgive you? If you want to's your mothers fault for not agreeing to my proposal " Soomin said as she went to hit him again , Namgil closed his eyes shut tightly but the hit never came . He opened his eyes and was shocked to see Namjoon who was holding the whip in his hand and glaring at Soomin .

" How dare you hit my brother ?!! Have you forgotten who he is? " Namjoon saod as he could feel his insides burning , he hated this ! Women who think of men as a thing to take out their frustation .
Soomin smirked at him " Wow , I was just thinking about you and you're here ? You came at the right time.." she held his wrist " What if I do something , this red mole isn't looking good on your hand . What if I remove it? Then you'll end up in my arms forever " Namjoon gritted his teeth as he pushed her away , Soomin glared at him and Namgil got up  " I would kill before you even touch me !"  Soomin nodded and chuckled
" You know I just have to lie , no one will even check if it's true . They all saw you coming here , in my harem . No matter what happens , men are the one who are blamed Namjoon " he hated this , that she was right . Namgil stood infront of Namjoon the moment Soomin again took a step forwards " You dare to stop me? Do you want to die Namgil? " Soomin said through gritten teeth , Namgil turned to Namjoon " Leave ! If something happened , you'll forever be stuck here . Mother....she won't save you" Namjoon frowned , he didn't want to leave him alone " Namjoon , she's my wife . You can't save save yourself " Namjoon glared at Soomin who was glaring at Namgil and rushed out of the room , he could here Soomin yelling behind him .

Soomin turned to Namgil who was holding her back not letting her go after Namjoon " You got guts to stop me ! Today I'll show your mother what a great son she have " She held him by the hairs and dragged him outside the palace , All the servants and gaurds were shocked . Outside the people around were shocked at the sight , Namjoon who was leaving stopped as his eyes widen , how could she drag his brother out like that ?


Haeun was flipping through a book when a gaurd entered " Princess , there's a news " Haeun nodded at her " What is it? " the gaurd whispered in her year and Haeun closed the book and left the room , Jungkook who was passing by was surprised when someone wrapped their arm around his shoulder , he turned his head and saw Haeun grinning at him . He frowned and glared at her " Princess , are you again trying to molest me? I will tell Jin hyung , he won't let you even touch him for months then " Haeun glared at him and smacked his head " Come with me ! I have a task.for you " She dragged him with her .

" Where? What task? " Jungkook asked and in return Haeun only smirkes at him .


People around were gossiping while Namgil was getting beaten by Soomin .

" Isn't he the son of Duke Kim? "

" He is beaten to such bad state..."

" Well his sure got a nice figure "

Namjoon glared at people around him
" Will you stop this ?!! Don't open your mouth if you can't help " the people frowned and turned around to leave , he looked at the gaurds who looked down .

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