💜: 05

70 16 14

[Third person pov]

Changbin was still waiting.

Was he desperate for taking tips from an introvert, who stole the tips from google? Sounds more crazy than desperate. But he wasn't worrying about that now, rather he was more focused on why he hadn't seen Daeun in over two days now and to top it up, Jisung wasn't feeling too ecstatic after his date with Yuri. Now he had to worry about two people. So much stress.

He had thought of asking someone about her, but that idea came to a halt when he remembered that she didn't talk with people. Who would know about her whereabouts? Did she even stay at the dorms?

The black haired's train of thoughts came to a halt when he felt someone tap on his shoulder and he could instantly deduced who would do that. Only one person did.

Daeun stood a fair distance away from him, grinning. She waved frantically and as per usual, was very enraptured to see him and that always befuddled the taller.

"Hi. Where have you been?" Trying to sound as polite as possible, Changbin lilted, sharing a smile equally as bright.

Daeun looked away from him for a second, her expression dropping for a bit. She turned back to him, faking a couching fit.

"Is someone coming?" Changbin looked at the same direction as she did. But Daeun shook her head, repeating the same action. "You need water?" Daeun shook her head ahead. "Air?" Changbin was getting frustrated now. It was harder than he thought.

And then again, there was an awkward silence.

Daeun sighed, she took up the latter's hand, writing down letters on his palm with her finger. The brown haired looked at Changbin, smiling.

But he didn't get it, a dumb forced grin on his lips. "Do it again."

Daeun nodded, repeating the same pattern and only then, did the black haired realized. He felt very dumb for not getting it right. "Oh. You were sick?" he called what she had written.

Daeun nodded proudly, happy that he finally got it.

____________• ° ★ ° •____________

Have you ever been to a concert?
If no, which do you wish to attend?

Anyways hi, how are you?
As always Pae (>* ~▫•)> will be taking your votes and comments


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