Australian Year 9 + 10 Age- 15- 16

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From year 9- 10, for most of my classes, I was lucky enough to have 3 gorgeous girls in my class to look at, Jasmine, Stacey, and Annie. Although, Annie, I didn't have as big of a crush on, compared to Jasmine and Stacey.

Annie was also not the "usual" kind of girl I went for. She was of Italian and Indonesian heritage, from memory. Her skin was quite tanned, and she was a brunette. Anniebwas also in my English class for 2 years before we had a lot of classes together.

In science, for the teacher to remember our names, we had to sit in alphabetical order by last names.

Of course, because of my last name being at the end of the alphabet, Y, Yang. I sat at the back of the class.

I don't think I was ever happier being a teenager who was curious in her own gender before. Being in science and sitting behind everyone. I had the ability and opportunity to look at Jasmine and Stacey occasionally without noticing them.

Which sounds creepy and, in a way stalking. But when you have been judged all your life. Being run away from all your life because of dumb actions as a child. At this time, I was only 15.

You'll take the opportunity of what you've been given.

Unlike Stacey, I'd never had a conversation with Jasmine.

You can't help who you find attractive.

Jasmine was Australian, blonde/sandy hair. From what I can remember, she had hazel/ green eyes .

I'd never been in any classes with Jasmine until 9-10. But I can still remember looking at year books and coking across her pictures. Thinking to myself, "My goodness, she is absolutely gorgeous."

I once got lucky enough to work with her.

We were in Food Technology/ Home Economics, and I got partnered with her.

She the oven we were using wasn't working, and we had to move to the next room.

Here, I decided to try and take the chance to have a conversation with her.

I'm pretty sure she got weirded out.

Why wouldn't she be? We had never really been in any social groups together, I didn't even sit next to her in any classes, and here I am trying to be friends with her, on no topic.

I don't even remember how I tried to start the conversation with her.

But what I do remember was her facing away from me, myself saying to her "I want to get to know you" (real smooth), her even asking "What do you want to know?"

Yeah....that's not creepy or weird in ANY kind of way.

She is not even looking at me, I'm alone with her. Her back is to me.

I wasn't smart as a teenager. But I could definitely read this as Not being a good sign.

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