First Time I Touched Myself

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I was Very young.

Under the age of 7 young.

My parents had a tape before you may think, "Your parents had porn?!". Not THAT crazy, no. It was just an adult foreign film tape. Of all the places my father thought it was fine to put it. He placed it on the shelf just above my Disney VCR tapes and that I wouldn't be curious. I don't believe either  of my parents said to me, "Do not watch this tape. It is not for you." No, they thought I would just be smart enough not to watch it.

Even though I was under the age of 7.

Being home alone a lot with my nanny, parents would be working a lot, and my brothers would rarely care what I was up to. My nanny would be doing more household chores. I may have watched this film over 3 times.....

I still remember the name of the film and the picture on the front cover.

"Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down"

The front cover was of the main female character on her hands and legs, in a loose baggy shirt.

Skipping the part of the actual storyline. I, of course, found the sex scene.

Boy, did that capture my attention.

So much that I began to play with myself.

But not with my hands, no. When I saw the male character in between the legs of the female character. I began putting a knitted reversible doll I had between my legs and rubbing it against my crotch. I even started using my own underwear to rub against myself.

I still remember feeling something when I did this. Don't know what it was. But I felt something.

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