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SLUGHORN HAD JUST CONCLUDED HIS LECTURE on the Shrinking Solution when Professor Dippet knocked on his door. With a puzzled expression, he instructed the class, "Start on your Potions. I'll see what the Headmaster wants."

Once the door closed, Tom and Evelynn shared confused looks. Evelynn quietly speculated, "You don't think..."

Tom glanced at the door, then nodded, affirming, "I do."

Tom was utterly amazed. The urge to kill Albus Dumbledore was written all over Evelynn's face, and it was breathtaking. It was as though everything about her inherently was. He murmured, "Calm down, Evelynn. Gather the ingredients while I set up our station." Her desire to end Dumbledore was captivating, but not particularly appropriate at that moment. To distract himself, Tom focused on the snake-like monster he had become due to the Horcruxes.

By the time Slughorn returned, Evelynn had collected the ingredients and they were starting on the Potion. Slughorn looked furious as he approached, confirming their suspicions. Dumbledore had done something involving Tom, perhaps connected to the deaths of his father and uncle. The fact that it happened in the middle of the day, during class time, was particularly revealing.

"Tom, may we speak with you in private?" Slughorn's voice was carefully controlled, but the underlying fury was palpable. Tom, however, was not the target of his anger, further confirming their suspicions.

Tom glances at Evelynn, who reassures him, "I'll be fine. Go on, Tom."

This exchange prompts a brief smile from Slughorn. He had been concerned about Tom, who seemed more interested in books than in life itself. Then Evelynn arrived, was Sorted into Slytherin, and quickly became inseparable from Tom. Both were hardworking and brilliant, but Evelynn seemed to draw Tom out of his insular world. Tom's curiosity about Evelynn and his support following her near-fatal attack helped her settle in. Slughorn's relief was immense.

However, this moment of relief is interrupted by the reality of their situation - the Aurors have come to question Tom. Albus reported to the Ministry, accusing Tom of involvement in the recent Little Hangleton deaths. The Aurors clarified Albus's allegations, explaining that his certainty about Tom Riddle Jr.'s involvement in the Little Hangleton deaths legally obligated them to investigate.

First, they explored the town where they found no trace of the boy or his magic. The only magic detected was Morfin Gaunt's, which was quite shocking considering he had been hexing Riddle Snr. at least once a week for decades, long before the boy was even born.

Now, they must question Tom, despite their disbelief that he could be connected to the deaths.

Slughorn and Dippet are neither impressed nor amused by the accusation against Tom, a fourteen-year-old, of murder. However, the Aurors are legally obligated to pursue this line of inquiry to ensure no leads are overlooked or dismissed. This is why, despite their discomfort, they proceed with questioning Tom in the presence of Dippet and himself. An Auror cannot question a minor without their guardian present. In Tom's case, and for others residing in the Muggle World without any magical relatives, the Headmaster and Head of House assume this role.

Dippet had to order Dumbledore to leave. Dumbledore was intent on being present during Tom's questioning, and Tom was grateful that Dumbledore was not his Head of House at the time. He suspected that Dumbledore would have him sent to Azkaban without a trial or wand-check if he could. Fortunately, such a move was not legally permissible. Evelynn was relieved to learn this, considering Fudge had tried to do the same to her. They also suspect that Dumbledore had done it to Sirius Black to keep him at bay.

Tom was under no illusions that, were it allowed, Dumbledore would not hesitate to use Veritaserum and check his wand. Dumbledore had a pathological need to control their lives as much as possible.

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