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Tom stares at Dippet in utter shock - no, he cannot be serious. He simply can't.

Evelynn has no other relatives since her aunt and uncle were the only families she's ever known, so she has to go to an Orphanage, but does it have to be Wool's?! Does it seriously have to be the one place where he's weak and helpless?! She could tell everyone what she saw! She could-

Evelynn breaks him out of his rapidly-devolving thoughts, asking, "Professor, what about the war? If we're stuck in the Muggle World, what if something happens? I know you said it's the law that kids can't stay at Hogwarts, but-"

Dippet gives her a resigned nod in agreement and says, "I know, Evelynn, I know it's not ideal. Nor is it something I'd put either of you - or any of my students, for that matter - through willingly. But, the fact remains that you have no living relatives that anyone can find or godparents."

Tom notices Evelynn go through several near-imperceptible reactions as Dippet says that her face is a blank mask, but her hands, in this case, give her away. Well, her fingers. They toy with the hem of her robe sleeves for a moment at the mention of any relatives but scrunch the fabric together at the mention of godparents before smoothing out altogether. She had a Godparent, it tells him, but not anymore. Interesting, just like so much else about her.

"So, we have to stay in the Muggle World."

"I'm afraid so, Miss Peverell. It's not ideal, but Albus assures me that Wool's takes good care of their charges."

Her entire body stays perfectly still at that last revelation - that Albus Dumbledore told Dippet the Orphanage is good, that they take good care of the orphans there. It infuriates him more than ever. How dare that meddling old man tell Dippet such a blatant lie?! That could be why he keeps having to go back instead of Dippet finding anywhere he could stay! - but Tom could feel the temperature in the room drop a few degrees, and he could swear there was disbelief in the air.

Disbelief?! How could she possibly have any idea?!

And then anger gets added into the mix. Still, it isn't in her voice as she mechanically says, "Yes, sir."

Dippet sighs, then says, "Just remember, both of you. If your life is in danger, you can use magic. Something we aren't supposed to tell the children, but since there's a war, I feel that rule can be overlooked given your circumstances."

Tom blinks in shock - nobody's ever told him that before! All he's ever heard was Dumbledore saying he's not allowed to use magic in the Muggle World or he'll be expelled, his wand snapped, and his magic bound! Evelynn relaxes a fraction at Dippet's words, letting a little gratitude into her voice and expression as she says, "Thank you, sir." Something, perhaps the feeling in himself, tells him she's not faking that particular reaction.

As soon as they're out of the Headmaster's office and down the stairs, Tom quickly drags Evelynn into an abandoned classroom and traps her against the wall. He presses the tip of his wand into the soft spot just behind her ear, quietly hissing, "You won't tell anyone what you see there. Understand? If you do, I swear to Merlin I'll-"

She cuts him off before he can devise an actual threat to use, saying, "Tom, relax. I won't tell a soul about Wool's, and I'm no stranger to keeping your living conditions outside of school a secret." She hadn't planned on it anyway. She knows enough about him and his living situation to see that he'd never want it to come out. She can respect that, one Magical Orphan trapped in the Muggle world to another, and she wouldn't Curse him in the back like that for something he hasn't even done yet.

Tom blinks, his thought processes completely derailed momentarily, but then he tries reading her mind. It's blank for a moment, but then she opens up her emotions to him - enough for him to know she's telling the truth about having no intention of telling anyone. Wait, maybe that's just what Evelynn wants him to think. If she can keep him out and let him in at will, who or what's to say she can't fake emotions on a whim?

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