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TOM GLANCES AROUND THE CHARMS CLASSROOM ON HALLOWEEN, perplexed at how nobody else can sense it. A chill permeates the air, accompanied by a near-electric buzz that keeps grazing his skin. It's eerily similar to the sensation he experienced in the Hospital Wing the previous year.

And it's emanating from Evelynn.

She explained that she experienced a surge of energy from Halloween until November 2nd. However, he hadn't understood the full extent of this until now. It means she's restless, overly energetic, and seemingly unable to remain entirely still without her jitteriness becoming more pronounced. It implies a subtle change in her demeanour; every action, from movement to conversation, takes a bit longer to process.

This heightened state emphasizes her role as the Master of Death, occasionally serving as a living channel for the Void.

A chill surrounds her, unusual and unsettling. Her magic feels colder, buzzing with an electric energy. For the next three days, the trace of power that normally laces her magic becomes more than just an undercurrent - it's at the forefront, propelling her magic like a swift river.

Its allure is both distracting and seductive, even more so than usual. Her magic, always a temptation, now demands his attention entirely. He's left struggling to focus on the lesson and to cast the spell correctly.

Tom is relieved they don't have Transfiguration, as Dumbledore would undoubtedly sense it. At a minimum, he would chastise her for not paying attention in class, assign detention, and realize something has altered her magic.

Potions could also be disastrous; she might unwittingly harm everyone else if she were to add an ingredient a moment too soon or too late.

Thankfully, the day passed without any complications in class. Evelynn retreated to the corner table she'd nearly claimed as her own, still twitchy and on edge. The contrast between today and yesterday was more apparent in Evelynn's dim corner of the room - she seemed to glow. Her skin looked almost luminescent in the darkness, and her eyes resembled two Killing Curses as she read.

"I'm so sick of that damn Mudblood! The know-it-all thinks she's superior because she's the teacher's favourite!" Tom heard Amycus Carrow complaining to his twin sister and Antonin Dolohov. He knew Carrow was referring to Amanda Meadow, a Ravenclaw in their year who was outperforming him in Runes and Arithmancy. She reminded him of Hermione Granger, though with a better attitude if he remembered the bushy-haired girl correctly. Regardless, he didn't care much for the specifics.

A quiet chuckle emanated from a familiar corner, but it wasn't quite enough. The entire group was now eyeing Evelynn like sharks that had caught a whiff of blood. Before Tom could interject, Dolohov sneered, "Going to be a Blood Traitor and stick up for the Mudblood, Peverell? Or are you insulted because you are one?"

The gaze of Killing Curse's green eyes shifted to the group. As Evelynn focused on them, Tom could sense the air becoming electric. She retorted, "Firstly, I'm half-blood, and I'm damn proud of it. Secondly, a blood traitor is someone who betrays their magical heritage, marries a Muggle, or gives up magic altogether. Can you explain how my amusement at your complaints makes me one?"

Amycus and Dolohov scowl at Evelynn, their faces flushing red. Despite their stares, she remains relaxed, as if she doesn't have a care in the world, certainly not like she's on the brink of being hexed into the Hospital Wing.

Raising an eyebrow at them, Evelynn retorts, "No, nothing to say? Here's a suggestion. If you want to surpass a Muggleborn who wasn't raised with magic, pick up a book and study for a change. It's what everyone else does." All she can think about is her first real encounter with Amycus Carrow - at Hogwarts during the war's end. She knew him as the one leading the 'Dark Arts' class, a Deputy Headmaster, and an utterly sick and sadistic individual, just like his twin sister. They had seventh years practising the Cruciatus Curse on first years during detentions, and they'd chain, beat, or torture students at will. The memory of helping Luna change the dressings for three little Hufflepuff girls, their backs slashed by Amycus with kitchen knives, still haunts her.

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