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ORION AND THEODORUS EXCHANGE PUZZLED LOOKS upon entering the Slytherin Common Room after the Winter Break. Something has changed, again, but they can't identify what it is.

Evelynn is working on what appears to be a collar, with a small kitten curled up in her lap - a Kneazle kitten, no less! When did she get that? And Tom, usually so focused, seems distracted. That's unusual; Tom is never distracted.

However, whenever Evelynn is around, he can't seem to concentrate. His gaze keeps drifting toward Evelynn's corner of the room, a spot they've all come to recognize.

"What do you think, Hed? Is this enough?" Evelynn asks. Tom freezes, his dark eyes fixed on Evelynn as she lifts her Kneazle kitten - a pet they're certain she didn't have before the break - onto the table.

Theodorus grins at Orion before 'casually' walking over and asking, "What are you working on, Peverell? Classes haven't even started yet." On the table are a silver band, Rune-carving tools, and an advanced Rune book. She has transformed a simple silver band into a complex work of magic that could be considered art.

The Runes he recognizes include Protection and Concealment, among others. Some are from their course, others are Egyptian or Norse, and some are unidentifiable squiggles. There are even some he suspects she invented herself, a feat usually accomplished by masters. Upon spotting a Rune corresponding to Hela, the Norse Goddess of Death, he decides not to interfere with the spells she's cast on the band. It's clear that Evelynn can be as ruthless as Tom, perhaps even more so, and far more vindictive when provoked. She appears ready to demonstrate her vindictiveness to anyone who dares to harm what's hers.

For a moment, they contemplate what she'd do if something happened to Tom should they get together. The thought is too dreadful to entertain, especially considering the wards on her trunk from when she was a second-year student, ostensibly unaware of magic.

Theodorus is jolted out of his thoughts by Orion asking nervously, "Erm, why's your Kneazle kitten staring at us like that?" The kitten's amber-eyed stare is slightly unnerving. It appears more intelligent than most kittens, even Kneazle kittens. As the stare shifts to him, seemingly attempting to read his soul, he finds it extremely unsettling.

Evelynn glances at the amber-eyed magical cat, chuckles, and says, "She's judging you two, I'd guess. Hed has always been an excellent judge of character." She adds that the Kneazle's ability to judge a person's character is one of the reasons she chose that form.

Orion asks cautiously, "You say that like you've known her for a while." Was that a slip? Or did she let it sound that way intentionally?

Instead of deflecting or backtracking, Evelynn grins and says, "My little secret." Hedwig meows, looks at Evelynn, and nods. "Alright, go ahead, Hed. We both know you want to show off to them." The only reason they're witnessing this is because it's impossible to hide something like this forever. Eventually, someone would notice something and start investigating. If Dumbledore found out, he'd be all over them more than ever.

The kitten fluffs out as if puffing its chest and then begins to shimmer. After a moment, the Kneazle kitten transforms into a small Ice Phoenix - same intelligent amber eyes, same expression on Evelynn's face. The baby Ice Phoenix coos as Evelynn runs her fingers through its feathers, then lifts its leg up while Evelynn fastens a shrunken band around its tiny leg. A powerful Glamour then engulfs the young bird, making it appear like a Snowy Owl.

Theodorus and Orion exchange shocked looks. Then Theo asks, "Why are you telling us this? Don't get me wrong, I'm honored, but..."

Evelynn smirks at the dumbfounded Slytherins and asks, "But you thought I'd keep it a secret?" Both Orion and Theodorus nod silently. "Something like this is bound to get out eventually. Hedwig's my Familiar, but she died before we knew and was brought back. Don't ask me how; I'm not entirely sure. What I am sure about, though, is that Dumbledore cannot find out about her." She considers it, but Tom notes that just one overly curious Slytherin could cause problems. They decide it's better to address it early rather than let it fester. The Seventh Years know some very good detection spells, and they'd undoubtedly pick up the magic protecting Hedwig if nothing else. That would just be the start of a mess that Dumbledore would inevitably get involved in.

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