Chapter 6

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She found herself running. She didn't know what she was running away from. In the pitch black forbidden forest, she knew she was lost.
'Don't let them catch up! Run!' A female voice spoke somewhere far behind her. Somehow she felt tears rolling down her cheeks. She knew that voice. But she couldn't familiarise with the owner of that voice. Out of a sudden all the commotion came to a pin drop silence. She stopped, maybe hoping to hear her voice again. And soon enough she heard her, screaming in pain. An evil laugh echoed in the air, shaking the trees. 'You thought I won't know about your plan! My lady..... that was the name I could have addressed you when everything was well. But! That wretched girl of yours ruined my ambition!' He spoke in a terrifying voice. She felt her heart thumping wildly as if it wanted to come out of her chest. But that wasn't her worry, she worried that whoever the woman is, she won't survive.
She then heard her laughing in pain but in triumph, 'She did well, just like how I taught her. You will never get her. And without her, you shall never succeed.' She was mocking him.
In anger, he shouted, 'So what if I will never find her?! Your weakness shall haunt her. I will search every continent if I must, and I will find her!' He then laughed like a maniac. He spoke menacingly, 'However worry about your situation first! Have you ever thought how your end will be. Let me show you then......' SLASH! Her scream became faint and then.... Silence!

Alora woke up sweating furiously. She had been sleeping at noontime like usual since Loui was not in the house and she didn't have anything to do. She hadn't seen her mother's face in her dream but she knew her voice very well. She noticed that she was crying accompanied with sweat. Suddenly she heard a knock on her door. Thinking that her nightmare became reality, she hid herself under the bed sheet cover. The door opened and she tried to not breath. "Don't hide, I heard you screaming right now".
The Prince Loui! What is he doing here?

She revealed herself and stared at him. He was dressed in a casual black shirt and grey trousers. His hair was messier as if he was from sleeping. His face wore a look of concern.
"You had a nightmare?" Crossing her arms on her chest, she snapped, "What happened to asking for permission to enter this room?!And actually what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be outside..... doing your......." She stopped halfway trying to not imagine him in his animal form.....hunting. She didn't know what he was but she had tried to imagine before.
A lion maybe?!

She heard him laugh, shaking away her thoughts. He then sat beside her and examined her closely before smiling at her, "You really don't have to tell me everything about you or your past. So stop trying too hard to keep me away." He paused and stood up walking away from her reaching the door before saying, "Besides who told you I am hunting?" "You-you aren't? I thought you are ". "You never asked", he said plainly before leaving. She stared at the emptiness when she realised that she had offended him. And....
How did he know of what I thought?!

She got up quickly and went to refresh before coming out of her room. She found Loui eating while focusing on a black note book that he didn't notice her sitting opposite him. When she wanted to serve herself some food he looked up. "Good afternoon", he said as if nothing happened sometime ago. He then buried his head to his note book. "Look I am sorr...", she wanted to say sorry before he interrupted her. "It's inappropriate for you to ask for forgiveness. You did nothing wrong. You really don't have to start feeling guilty when my words were a bit harsh. And I am not ignoring you, I have something important to solve. Okay?" He said with a charming smile on his face. Shocked at how fast he knew about her motive she decided to drop the matter. "Are you perhaps solving your case?" She asked.
"Eat first and I shall tell you later", he said. She nodded before serving herself with nourishing vegetable soup.

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