Chapter 5

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He is The Prince. In just one day my luck has made a turn I never expected. Who knew!

Alora compared the photo on the newspaper with the real deal in front of her eyes. The black and white photo still detailed him well but couldn't compare seeing him face to face. At least his raven black hair was still noticeable; silky. It suddenly dawned to her.

I was shouting at a prince the whole time!
"Forgive me your highness. I didn't know who you were and acted rashly." She curtsied.
"Oh! ...... about that....don't address me. As you see, I am living a fugitive life. Just address me as Louis."
"But that is not your name!" "And 'Phillip' is not your name."
"My name is Alora, I guess..." "You guess!" "That is another story."
She saw his curious look, and changed the topic; "What about you?"
"Me?...My name is Loui... Ex Prince Loui Mòisekèt"
"Louis... Loui? What is the difference?" "Ah! You see Louis is the King's name while Loui is my name" He replied without concern.
"So your disguise is using the King's name!" She said with sarcasm. He looked at her before smirking; "At least my disguise doesn't involve hiding my gender."
Alora: .......
"Any mutant could know your identity." He said in satisfaction.

                      Oh! No! I almost forgot the fact that he is a Mutant!! Does it mean he knew from the beginning......
Snapping out of her thoughts she heard him say, "It is getting late." Alora followed his line of sight and glanced upon a clock hanging on the wall, reading quarter past five.
"So much for a ten minutes cup of tea!" She mumbled silently even though in her heart she knew that it was worth it. Unfortunately enough Loui heard her. "Do you want to know what that cup consists of ?" "What is it?" She asked curiously. "Sedative." He replied emotionlessly. Shocked she asked, "Why though?" And to her horror he just smiled.
"Don't you have 'somewhere' to go?" He asked as though he was chasing her away. She looked at him before turning around to exit the house. "You need an escort?" He asked stopping her. "No, thank you. I am capable of going anywhere."
"You are welcome to stay here", he suggested. "And for what reason.... Don't tell me that I am a lady and would face problems. I am Phillip remember!" "The night is where mutants are most dangerous. It is not safe".

                             He wants me to stay in this house! How can I guarantee that he won't harm me in any way? However I really don't have anywhere to go. Should I stay?

"I assume that you agree", he suddenly said.
                             He is too suspicious!

"Because you scared me, I shall stay for tonight", she said eyeing him. He flashed her a smile before leading her to the bedroom. Opening the door, she saw a king size bed, a dressing table, and a wardrobe next to a wooden door. "That is the bathroom", he explained. Just when she wanted to enter, she realised; There was only one room in the whole house. She hadn't intended to think much but she had to.
"There is only one room!" She said innocently. She looked at him to see his reaction. "You really think much, don't you? I have my own room don't worry", he said with a smile.
"You can rest for now.  I shall call you later for dinner", he said before leaving.

                              Strange! He took me as a guest after him trying to know my identity. If I really was a Phillip, would he still take me as a guest?"

Later she was called for dinner. She had taken a bath, changed into a plain white dress that she had carried and combed her brunette hair. She looked at a mirror in front of her and chose to not tie her hair such that it flowed to her waist. "Miss Alora, dinner is ready".  At eight o'clock Loui knocked on the door. "Coming", she replied. On second thought she took a rubber band, that she had used, and tied her hair into a messy bun. Then joined him for dinner.
Seeing her in her true self Loui couldn't help but gape at her. Realising his reaction she looked away. However she also noticed how different he looked wearing a very big sleeveless grey shirt with black trousers. He wasn't too thin or too broad but with his muscular arms he seemed like he was professionally trained well in wielding a sword. She also noticed a mark on his right side of his neck, but was blocked by his silky long hair. That was his mutant identity, she thought. As a prince, she expected him to wear elegant clothes but he was into wearing common folk attires. She deduced that he must be a person caring for other people. But if so....
                                    Why would he add a sedative in the 'tea'?

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