Story Dressing for the Salad called Lore pt. 5

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She stood just enough to where she wouldn't be too close, and waited for it to do something.

A green fire appeared inside the mirror before an ornate mask-like face came into view.

"State thy name," the deep voice of the mirror bellowed.

"Camila Yuuka," she answered without pause.

She blinked, as she wasn't sure she even had a name, yet she stated it just like that in front of a mirror with people she barely knew.

This day was just weirder and weirder, but she wasn't too worried.

"The shape of thy soul is..."

The mirror's eyeless sockets squinted, almost as if it was frustrated as it stared at Yuuka.

This happened for a minute until its features smoothed again.

"I do not know."

Small gasps erupted from the crowd of the students and faculty at the proclamation.

"Come again?" Crowley said in disbelief.

"I sense not a spark of magic from this one. Colorless, shapeless, utterly vacant. Therefore, they are not suited for any dormitory."

The headmage was stunned silent, the first time Camila saw him speechless since he'd gotten here, yet she wasn't upset.

Again, all of this seemed familiar to her, as if she knew something like this would happen.

Part of her wondered if something was wrong about the way she was feeling.

Another part of her was disappointed about this revelation, as this would mean she would be unable to embark on the adventure she always wanted to.

"An ebony carriage would never go to meet someone who can't use magic!" Crowley spoke defensively, as if to argue with the mirror.

"In 100 years there has not once been a mistake in a student selection."

She winced, since she never received a carriage in the first place.

"So why in the world..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Grim managed to break from his grasp and ran in front of the Headmage.

"Then I'll take their place!" he yelled before he erupted in a fit of coughing, holding his stomach until his breathing steadied.

Crowley would have none of it.

"You there, tanuki! Sit! Stay!"

"Eh?" Grim grew smug as he crossed his "arms", skating over the tanuki comment, "but unlike that useless human, I can use magic! Let me in the school instead!"

He then uncrossed them as he grew serious.

"If you need proof, I'll show ya right now!"

"Everyone get down!" the red-haired boy yelled right before a barrage of blue fire rained from the ceiling, burning anything and everything it could.

Many students were either frantically running and patting away the flames from their hair or clothing or trying to catch Grim, who was able to evade their hands due to his speed.

The white-haired boy cried out in pain from a flame hitting him square on his rump as his gold bangles jingled vibrantly from his shaking body.

He ran into the sea of equally panicked students, patting his buttocks as he disappeared.

Crowley looked utterly horrified (or at least that's what Camila assumed,) as he held his hands in an embarrassed shrug.

"At this rate the school will be a sea of fire! Someone catch that raccoon!!"

"Well?" The beautiful one in robes cooed at the guy with the braided hair, "doesn't he look like he'd make a good snack for you? Won't you hunt him, darling?"

The student opened a sleepy eye at them and a slight grin snaked across his face.

"Oh? But couldn't you just charm him into submission? A few honeyed words and batted lashes and he'd be in the palms of your well manicured hands."

The beautiful student scoffed.

"Are you suggesting I make him into a pet? Don't be ridiculous. He's far too uncute to make a proper pet in the first place."

The one in braided hair closed his eyes, still smiling.

"A shame, I wanted to see what cute faces you'd make while looking after a pet."

"Gross," the beautiful one grimaced.

"Is anyone going to grab that tanuki for me?!" The headmage snapped.

The bespectacled one walked right up to Crowley with a sweet smile, a grayish curl bobbing in and out of his hood as he moved.

"I shall rise to the occasion, Headmage sir!" said the one with the glasses, his wand already in hand.

The red-haired boy stepped alongside him, his wand also out and his brows furrowed in a hard frown.

"Let us chase away this creature, post haste! We mustn't dwaddle," before he could get a reply he had already begun his chase for the cat-beast, dodging flame balls.

Azul sighed, yet kept his smile.

"There he goes," he ran after him, shooting bolts of light from his jeweled wand, "oi! Don't go so fast, Riddle!"

"Try not to injure it! We mustn't kill him, even if he is dangerous!" The headmage barked after them.

Yuuka simply watched them silently, reluctant to join herself in the frenzy of fire and magic.

Looking at the hellish scene before her, she wondered if she really wanted to be a part of such a school.

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