Story Dressing for the Salad called Lore pt. 1

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When she awoke, the room she was in was a dim, ominous green hue, with the only light coming from the floating coffins that dotted the area.

In the middle of said room was a large ornate mirror the likes she had never seen, floating just above a fountain that oozed an odorless green liquid.

She tried to move her body, but she couldn't feel anything; every inch of her felt as light and intangible as air.

Was she even in the room itself?

Despite this strange lack of sensing her body, this didn't bother her, oddly enough.

A strange calmness washed over her as she was fixed in this one place, forced to observe this personless room.

Before she had time to ponder even further, a shadowy figure emerged from some unseen place before it knelt in front of the large mirror.

The clicking of heels rattled her brain and felt oddly familiar, though she couldn't place why.

The mirror roared to life as its surface was briefly set aflame with green fire.

"Ah, my dear esteemed benefactor...", a man's voice began, "my proud, beautiful flower of evil."

Flower of evil? She wondered in her head, what does that mean?

"You are truly the fairest of them all."

Quickly, she felt a pang of dread rise in her, but only for a moment.

She wasn't sure why but this place felt familiar to her despite never setting foot in it, and that voice...where had she heard it?

"O magic mirror, thy wisdom I entreat... reveal to me the visage I seek—"

His words cut off and she was plunged in pure darkness.

She felt around it and was surprised to find it was solid, like a stable floor.

Soft murmurs could be heard from outside the dark space, and she could hear the running of water.

Or was it water?

She wasn't sure, but something was nudging her, no pressing her to go.

She needed to get out of here-

The sound of someone's steps growing closer to her stopped her train of thought and she paused, not sure what to do.

Was it that strange shadow she saw earlier?

Somehow the idea of meeting such a being didn't scare her-

Again, before she could ponder further, the surface of her...whatever this was, rattled.

Was someone trying to open it?

"Crap," an unfamiliar, child-like voice began, "people are coming. Gotta get a uniform while-"

As if on instinct, she decided to push the surface again, this time being met with a blinding light.

Once her vision adjusted, the first thing she saw was a strange sight indeed:

A small cat-like creature with large blue eyes and fire coming out of its equally large ears jumped back as the lid to her...entrapment slid open.

It's already large eyes grew big with shock and horror as it raised its paws.

It let out a shrill scream.

"Why are you up?!"

She blinked.

"A talking raccoon?" She asked rather calmly.

The creature's fear was overrid with rage at her question, his already thin pupils turning into slits as he glared at her.

"Just who are you callin' a raccoon!" He sassed as he put his paws on his hips.

"I am the Great Grim!"

She cocked her head as she adjusted her glasses.

She jumped for a second- when did she put these on?

"Well, whatever, human," his words interrupted her pondering yet again, "hurry up and gimme those clothes!"

He ended his sentence with a cocky grin.

She looked at herself and noticed she was wearing a silk black robe with the collar lined in purple.

Every inch of it, from the sleeves to the helms were embroidered with elaborate gold trim.

Underneath were black pants and a black shirt, trimmed with the gold as well.

It looked beautiful and very expensive; she could certainly see why he would want it, but wondered how he'd carry such big fabric given his small body.

As she looked from beyond him, she noticed the nearly endless sea of hooded figures chattering loudly, their faces obscured from their long hoods.

As she scanned the room, a familiar sight had beheld her:

Same as in the vision, endless rows of chandeliers lined with rows of candles ignited with the green flames she saw in her vision.

This room had to be one and the same as the one in her vision-

"Hey! I'm not gonna ask again!" Grim interrupted her once more, this time with a bright blue fireball behind him.

For some odd reason, she didn't feel the least but threatened by it.

Blue flames are usually hotter than red ones, and this one was close enough that she could feel its heat.

She was sure his threat wasn't an empty one, yet she just stood there.

"I can't recall a time where I had a dream about a raccoon dog threatening me with fire."

"For the last time, I'm NOT a raccoon! Do you wanna get roasted?!"

Something exploded above her head, and when she looked up, she saw her head was on fire.

The fire was certainly hot, hot enough that she was worried it would burn her hair and face as she frantically patted it away.

In the first time that she got here, she got the idea that she should get away from here before he made good on that threat!

She jumped over him and ran into the crowd, ignoring the befuddled whispers of the people as she ran into the large double doors and into the corridor.

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