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Grace had been frustrated ever since Toto had left her on monday evening, not only sexually but in general. He had left her in the heat of the moment to answer a call from his ex-wife and then continued to ignore her over the remainder of the week. He ignored he texts and she didn't dare to call him. He didn't even bring Jack to school. She only ever saw his mom or dad. And everytime Toto's mom brought Jack to school she looked at Grace with a look of pity in her eyes, as if she was appologizing for something.

She knew the upcoming weekend was a weekend off for the principal and the drivers before the Russian Grand Prix. So he was in Monaco, she knew he was. Especially since Jack told her how nice it was to have his dad at home. It was friday afternoon and she was finishing up her class and after class she would casually walk Jack Wolff home, even if his grandma was to pick him up. She just wanted to see and speak with Toto.

"So class, who's doing something fun over the weekend?" Several little hands were up in the air. She smiled at the kids and one by one they told her what their plans were. "Dad is taking me to see a movie." One of the kids exclaimed. "Me and Mum are going shopping for my birthday." A little girl said proudly as she twirled her hair on her finger. Finally she looked at Jack. "My mom has been home for a few days and me, my mom and my dad are going to do something fun together. Like a real family." Jack exclaimed excitedly and Grace was stopped in her tracks. "Your mom?" She asked hesitant and Jack noded furiously. "Yes mommy is back home. She was away for a long while, but now she's back." And while Grace was confused, saddened and a little angry at this, because she really thought her and Toto were going somewhere especially after monday night. She would've atleast hoped that Toto had the decency to call her and explain to her whatever was happening. On the other hand she was also happy for the little fellow in her class, because he couldn't contain his excitement when he was telling her and his classmates about the fact that his mom had come home. And by the sound of it she was there to stay.

Grace kept up her front as a teacher and fuzzed along with little Jack. "That's so nice for you Jack." She smiled as she ruffled his hair and went around the classroom again. "I hope you all have a lovely weekend." She smiled at the kids and she noticed the parents standing outside of the classroom. "I'll see you all on monday." And as if she had timed it, it was at that moment that the schoolbell rang. She opened the door of her classroom and the kids got up out of their seats, running towards their parents, grandparents or sitters, whoever was picking them up. Grace smiled and said goodbye to the kids and turned around towards her desk, to go and grab her stuff. Ready to call it a day and drown herself in a big glass of wine.

"Mummy, come on. I want you to meet miss Gracie." Grace stood with her back towards the door and closed her eyes. She'd recognize the voice out of a million and if she was right, this was the moment she'd meet Susie Wolff. She took a deep breath, put on a million dollar smile and turned around to face the music.

Jack let go of his moms hand the moment Grace turned around and ran over to her. Grace crouched down to level with the little guy and smiled at him. "Miss Gracie, this is my mum." He smiled and pointed at the beautiful blonde. She stood tall in the room and had some sort of dominance around her. Grace stood up straight and noticed the height difference between them, she had never felt small opposite other women, not even when they in fact had a height difference. But with Susie Wolff not only was their height difference emphasized, but she felt like a little girl next to the dominant, professional woman that was Susie Wolff.

"Miss Ocon." Susie stated with a nod. Grace was a little taken aback by the distant tone the woman took with her, but tried to shake it off. "Mrs Wolff, lovely to meet you. You can call me Grace, I'm Jacks teacher." She smiled as she held out her hand for Susie to shake. Susies eyes fluttered down to her hand and then back up to meet her eyes again, completely ignore Grace' hand. "I've heard you've been watching my little Jack in my absence." Grace simply nodded, not knowing how to respond. "Well, I'm glad my Jack was in safe hands during my absence. But your services won't be necessary anymore." Susie looked down at Jack and ruffled his hair with a smile, before looking back at Grace, her eyes stone cold. "You just keep doing what you need to do. In class. As his teacher." She emphasized the last two sentences before leading Jack out of the room in front of her.

"I hope you have a lovely weekend, miss Ocon." And with that Susie Wolff ended the encounter. "Bye miss Gracie. See you on monday."

Grace slumped back against her desk, a little defeated from the encounter she just had. It wasn't as if she was heartbroken by the fact that Susie Wolff was back in the life of her son and apparently her husband. But it did hurt. She had been spending a lot of time with Jack and Toto and especially after monday she had admitted that she had growing feelings for the older Austrian. Which made this encounter painfull and quite honestly a little embarassing. She felt like she had been medling in a relationship.

She closed her eyes for a second, trying to regain her composure before grabbing her stuff and shutting of the lights in her classroom. As Grace walked out of the school building she decided to walk the long route home, maybe even get a stroll on the beach in. Just to clear her mind.

On the other side of Monaco, Toto cursed under his breath as he listened to his mom. "I'm glad Susie is back. Little Jack missed his mum very much." Toto hummed and nodded. "She even suggested to pick him up from school. She never used to do that." His mum was clearly impressed by the change Susie went trough during their seperation. Toto however knew that this was all premeditated.

Ofcourse Susie wanted to see the teacher that Jack had been talking about ever since Susie got home. Especially when he told her that Toto had invited her for the Grand Prix and when he told Susie that Toto was with her on monday evening when Susie arrived at the appartment. Add that to the fact that she had seen the posts on social media from a few weeks back when Grace had been spotted with Jack on her arm in Monaco. Susie did not pick up Jack from school because she was being a good mom, oh no this was all premeditated. And Toto didn't know what to feel, or do. He propably should've returned Grace' calls, but that was a little too late now.

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