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It was no secret that Esteban Ocon and Fernando Alonso did not see eye to eye. Many thought it was just a rivalry between a young energetic driver and an older driver who had already proven his capability. Ofcourse the two of them had always been competetive, both wanting to excel and be the best within the Alpine team. However, at the start of their cooperation got on pretty well.

It had been Fernando hurting Esteban's sister which drove a wedge between the two. And Esteban did not take it lightly. Grace might have been 32 and fully capable of dealing with her own business, but nobody hurt his sister without having to go trough him. And when Alpine anounced that they were going to be teammates for yet another season Esteban could not withhold his anger any longer.

"Oh,  pour l'amour de la merde" Esteban cursed in his native language as he just got out of one of his teammeetings. It was the weekend of the Dutch GP and Esteban knew the team would announce the contract renewal teammate after quali on saturday. But he didn't expect that all of his meetings for the weekend would involve the other Spaniard. Most of the time their meetings were separate, because most members of Alpine knew about what had went down between Alonso and the female Ocon. All his team could   talk about was the renewal of Fernando's contract and how great of a person he was. Esteban had just huffed and crossed his arms like a  rebellious child. But he didn't care. He didn't like the fact that he had to play nice with Fernando once again. Not after all the fighting and  crying his sister had done over Fernando. "Merde." Esteban cursed again. "Why couldn't he just retire. He's forty already."  He sighed as he sat down in his drivers room. Now Grace would never visit him on racing weekends. She had stopped after everything that went down between her and Fernando, not wanting to risk seeing him. And even now, after ten months, she still hadn't visited. It wasn't fair, he just wanted his sister by his side, but Fernando had to ruin it. He had ruined everything. Grace had loved him, fiercely and he just let it all burn down. Esteban threw one of the throw pillows that sat on the sofa across the room out of frustration and sunk further into the couch.

There was a small knock on his door, followed by Tom entering his room. Tom sighed at the sight of Esteban, slumped down on the sofa. "I know it's not the teammate you wished for, for next season." Esteban raised his eyebrow. "Okay, that was softly put. But we can't change anything about it." Esteban just groaned. "Come on, maybe we can get Gracie to join the paddock a couple of times this season. Then she can get used to seeing him again." Esteban rolled her eyes. "I don't even want to be arround him. Never mind how she thinks about all this. She'll never join me to the paddock again if he stays on the team." He whined. "Maybe you should call her, before she hears from the media." Esteban slowly nodded, he didn't care that he wasn't supposed to talk about it. They would anounce it on sunday after the race anyway. "Yeah, she'll call tomorrow after FP1. She has a busy parent-teacher week, so I don't want to stress her out more than necessary." Tom nodded and clapped the young driver on his shoulder. "She's your big sister, she'll manage." Esteban shrugged, it was easy for him to say, he didn't have any siblings. But Esteban and Grace had a special bond, even though she was 6 years older.

On the other side of the world, Grace was just wrapping up one of the last meetings of the day. Her next and last meeting would be with Toto Wolff, who had flown over before the Dutch GP for the parent teacher meeting. She was now wrapping one of the more difficult meetings.

"Mister Johnson, Mrs Johnson, we have been over this. I believe letting Micheal skip a class has been a bad idea." Mister Johnson scoffed and Mrs Johnson was on the verge of crying. "Our Micheal is a smart boy. You are just not able to teach him!" Mister Johnson yelled. "Mister Johnson, I'm not saying your son isn't smart. He really is. But he still is a little young. A little too young for this class, it would be unfair for him to let him continue in this class. He's only two, he should be in kindergarten developing a little more." She tried to explain. "Developing?!" Mr Johnson yelled. "You are calling, our son, our Micheal underdeveloped?!" Mr Johnson was now standing and looking down at Grace. "Mr Johnson, please, calm down. Micheal is a perfect two year old, but the kids in my class are four." She paused and look down at Mrs Johnson. "Micheal should grow up on his own time, not along with kids two years above him. He is just a little boy." Mr Johnson slammed his fist down on the desk, making both Mrs Johnson and Grace flinch. "He is not a little boy. He needs to grow up and behave himself!" Grace took a step back. "Mr Johnson, I would like for you to leave my classroom. Maybe we should resume this conversation some other time." Mrs Johnson got up out of her seat and rushed outside the classroom crying, leaving the door open. "Mr Johnson, you should leave." Grace suggested.

Mr Johnson just shook his head. "My son better not fail your class or be put back a grade." He said as he pointed his finger at the girl. "You better start teaching my child properly or I'll make sure you wont be here next school year." He bent over the desk, but before he could say anything else the door slammed open further. "I believe the lady asked you to leave her classroom." The deep voice of Toto Wolff hammered trough the classroom, his accent thick as he was fuelled by anger. He had heard most of the meeting while waiting outside and he was appalled by the behaviour of the man that stood in front of him. Mr Johnson straighted himself and was a little shook by the fact that Toto Wolff stood in front of him. Mr Johnson tried to make a good impression on the Mercedes Principal. "Ah Mr Wolff, just a parent-teacher meeting. It was a very good meeting, I was just trying to thanks Mrs Ocon." Grace scoffed."It's miss Ocon and I believe you were on your way out!" Without anything else mr Johnson left the room, glancing back towards Grace before slamming the door closed behind him.

Grace let put a breath she didn't know she was holding and slumped against her desk. "Are you allright?" Grace nodded slowly and tried to gain her composure. She patted down her skirt and went on with the meeting, trying to hide the fact that she was a little shaken up by the incident beforehand. "Do you want to get Mrs Wolff so we can start the meeting?" Toto shook his head. "Susie won't be joining." He looked the blonde woman in her deep blue eyes as he spoke the next words. "Susie and I, we're separated." Grace's look turned soft as she looked at Toto. "I am sorry, I didn't know. Are you okay?" Toto nodded his head. "Don't worry, it's still a little new. Nobody knows about it yet, well outside of our families and friends that is. But how about we start what I came here for and talk about Jack." Grace blushed embarrassedly, she shouldn't have pried, it was a very private matter. She nodded. "I am sorry, ofcourse, let's talk about Jack"

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