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Grace had tossed and turned for hours and it was only 4 a.m. when she decided maybe a glass of water would do her good. Dressed in an oversized Alpine shirt she used as her pyjamas, she made her way over to her kitchen. "That's the wrong team you're wearing." A low grumble sounded from behind her as she was about to grab a glass from the shelve. Instantly she turned around and was met by Toto who was leaning on the breakfastbar. He wasn't wearing a shirt, and she guessed he wasn't wearing his jeans to bed either. So that meant that Toto wolf was standing in her livingroom in his underwear. Grace closed her eyes at this thought and swallowed.

Toto walked around the breakfastbar and stood in front of her. "Maybe as a thank you I should gift you some Mercedes shirts to wear to bed." He grumbled. His face was close to hers and she could feel his breath fan against her face. Toto took a step back from her and tried to play it cool.

"Can't sleep?" He asked her and he grabbed a glass from the shelve next to her head, filling it up with water. Grace slowly nodded. "Me neither." Toto mumbled between sips of water. "Is everything all right? Is my bed not comfortable enough? Do you need anything?" Toto chuckled at her concern, her kidness was one of the things on his mind keeping him from sleep. "I mean it. You could even sleep in the guest room. I'll take the couch." She pushed. Toto shook his head. "No your bed is fine. That's not why I can't sleep." Grace furrowed her eyebrows and looked up at Toto questioningly. "It's nothing. Forget it." He couldn't admit to the teacher of his son that thoughts about her were keeping him up. That would be wrong, so wrong. So instead Toto gulped down his glass of water, looked at the girl and smiled. "Probably just work stuff." He muttered and Grace nodded. "Ofcourse." She mumbled and then walked over to her fridge.

On the fridge she had pinned down the drawing Jack had made after the race. She took it in her hands and turned back to Toto. "Look." She said as she handed him the piece of paper. "Jack made it after the race. To cheer you and Lewis on." Toto smiled at the drawing. "I'm taking him with me next weekend." Toto stated, his finger lingering on the drawing Jack had made him. "You are free to join." Grace took a step back and looked at Toto in disbelief. "No, that's okay. I wouldn't want to intrude." Toto shook his head. "No, Jack would love it. And I would be reassured that Jack is in good hands."

Ofcourse, Grace thought, he wanted her there to look after Jack. "It would be nice to have you around." Grace pondered on it for awhile. "It would be a nice way to thank you for this weekend. And I know Esteban would like you back in the paddock." Toto tried to convince the woman. Grace slowly nodded. "I know Estie would love it." She paused. "But it been awhile." She hummed. "It's not without reason that I haven't been in the paddock." Toto hadn't known about the former relationship between Alonso and Grace, until Alonso had stormed into his garage and punched him square in the jaw.

Well, he still hadn't known anything until Esteban came into his office after qualifying and talked to him about his sister. It was nice to see how protective the young driver was about his sister and how he, without going into the details of it, told Toto about the mess the relationship had ended in. Now, he got why she hesitated a little and why Fernando had ended up following him, but still he would love for her to enjoy the paddock once and Jack would love to have her around. "Just think about it. It would mean a lot to Jack." Toto said as he put his glass down in the kitchen sink. "And to me." Without saying anything else Toto made his way back to the bedroom, leaving Grace alone in the kitchen.

Grace hadn't slept after their midnight conversation in her kitchen. She did go back to the guestroom, but instead of sleeping she tossed and turned another hour and at 5.30am she decided it would be best to just get up and tackle the day in front of her. Her class started at 8.30 and this way she could go for a morning run and still have enough time to get ready for the day. So she did just that. She had a swift 5k run and was back at her appartment within half-an-hour. It had been 6.30 when she had gotten out of the shower and she had first heard movement from her bedroom. She made sure she walked out of her bathroom fully dressed, not risking to bump into Toto in her underwear.

Him seeing her in nothing but Estebans Alpine shirt had been enough embaressement for one day. She walked into the kitchen and prepared some breakfast, she heard the shower running in the background. She made herself some coffee and was about to sit down at the breakfast bar as she heard someone walking in the living room. She looked up, expecting to see Toto, but instead Jack was beaming up at her. She chuckled at the sight of the small child sleepily grinnin up at her. She walked around the breakfast bar and crouched down in front of the boy. "Good morning Jack." He smilled. "Morning Gracie." She ruffled his hair. "Did you sleep okay?" The little boy enthousiastically nodded his blonde head of hair. "Daddy came and slept next to me." He beamed and Grace's heart melted. "I know bud. He came in after you fell asleep." Jack smiled and looked into the kitchen. "Breakfast?" Grace chuckled and nodded. "Come on, go sit and I'll make you some breakfast." She watched as the boy tried to climb into one of the barstools. She chuckled and lifted him up and sat him down in one of the chairs.

It was at that moment that Toto came walking in silently. He was wearing his Mercedes button-up and the same black pants he'd been wearing last night when he arrived. He smiled at the sight of Grace and Jack laughing with eachother, the former lifting his son up in his arms and carefully placing him in one of the chairs. The two of them really got allong well and it warmed his heart a little, to know that his son had a female figure in his life that he got along with. It wasn't as if Susie and Jack couldn't get along, she was his mum after all, but she hadn't been around as much as Jack had wanted and needed her to. "Good morning" Toto said as he walked in behind Jack and ruffled his hair. Jack beamed up at his dad and Grace smiled softly at him and nodded. Toto kissed the top of Jacks head and took a seat next to his kid. "Do you want some breakfast as well?" Grace asked him. "No, thank you Grace, but that would be too much. I'll just eat breakfast at the office." Grace shook her head. "I'm making Jack breakfast anyway, since he has to eat before school." She smiled at the man. "It 's no trouble, really." Toto smiled, this woman was really a gift from heaven. It had been awhile since Toto had a homemade breakfast and here she was, making him one, without even asking. His smile got even brighter when she handed him a fresh cup of coffee. Toto looked around the kitchen looking at the woman standing in it and then at his son in the chair next to him. Jack was happily blabbing away to Grace. In that moment Toto felt at peace, for the first time in a long time.

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