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Toto had been quite confused when he knocked on Grace's hoteldoor but was met with complete silence. He tried again and again but the door never opened. So he decided to call her, but without any results. He had wanted to appologize for ignoring her today and retrieve Jack from her care, but he couldn't reach her. And that confused and also angered him a little. The woman was god knows where, along with his son.

The confusion only increased when, a couple of hours later, he heard several voices across the hallway. He got up from behind the desk, were he had been working, and peeked out into the hallway from the spyhole. He first noticed Grace,
like he had done all weekend. He noticed her every single time he walked into the garage and got quite distracted by her attendance. But he also noticed one of his drivers, who had been carrying his sleeping son. Toto felt anger boil inside of him.

On the otherside of the door Grace and Lewis walked back from their dinner. Esteban had invited Lewis along, since he figured his sister would be around the Mercedes' garage more often during the season. Their evening had been nice. Esteban and Grace had caught up and Esteban had even played with Jack for a little while. Grace had then also caught up with George and Mick, who also joined, and had chatted during dinner with.

Now on their way back, Grace softly giggled as her and Lewis mare their way across the hall. Lewis had been telling her a story about how he and Valteri watched Jack last year and how the little boy was all starstruck. That seemed hard to imagine now, since Jack seemed very comfortable around both drivers, even falling asleep in Lewis arms at the dinner table. Grace had furiously apologised as she tried to take the boy from Lewis, however he declined and insisted on seeing both her and the toddler of to their hotelroom.

"Thank you, Lewis." Grace smiled as she turned around in front of the hotelroom. Lewis nodded. "It's no problem. Need to make sure my Boss' kid and his guest are looked after." Grace giggled and just smiled. "Well..." She said as she looked over her shoulder to the hotel door. "I should make sure this little monkey gets to bed." Without saying anything else she took Jack from Lewis. Lewis looked down at the petite woman, holding the kid on her hip, she looked good. A kid suited her and he wondered of she had kids for herself. He shook himself from his thoughts and smiled at the woman. "Goodnight Grace. I enjoyed tonight. Thank Esteban for inviting me." Grace nodded and smiled. "Will do. I am glad you came along, otherwise I would be the only person over 30 amongst those youngsters." She chuckled as Lewis scoffed as she addressed his age. "I'm kidding. I enjoyed my evening. Now go back to your room and get some sleep." She paused before kissing his cheek. "You have an important day tomorrow. And thanks for seeing us home." Before Lewis could answer she turned around and swiped the keycard across Toto and Jacks room.

Toto, who noticed how she went to open the door, had hastily taken several steps back into the room. Trying to make it look like he was busy. "Where have you been?" Toto asked as he watched her put Jack to bed. Grace noticed his tone, but she just shrugged. He hadn't paid any attention to her all day and now, when she was arriving back later then expected suddenly he was interested... "I had some dinner with Estie and a few friends." Toto raised a brow at the woman. "And you couldn't have let me know? I've been worried sick." Before Grace could reply Toto continued. "You just took my son and without letting me know you went out into a unknown city with men you don't know. What if something happened? I didn't even know where to look for you." He shouted across the room. Grace took a step back and closed the room to the ensuite bedroom, to make sure Jack wouldn't wake up. She turned around and frowned as she her eyes pierced into Toto's. "Excuse me?!" Toto rolled his eyes. "You heard me, Ocon." Grace hummed. "Well, I told you I was going out, but apparently you didn't listen." He looked confused for a minute, looking at her. "What?" She nodded. "I told you after your team debrief. When you walked out with Lewis and Valteri. But you didn't even notice me..." Her sentence ended a little softer, without the anger, and with hurt. "Just like the rest of the weekend." But before she could let the hurt take over her mood turned back to angry again.

"Apparently, you only invited me along to babysit Jack. And don't you dare accuse me of taking your son and putting him in danger, because you haven't even looked at him during the weekend." Toto frowned. "I'm just a overqualified nanny to you, but I am not. I went along to because it would be nice to be in the paddock again. And ofcourse I would watch Jack, i mean I love the kid. But I also wanted to spent time with Esteban and his friends and enjoy myself a little on my free weekend." At the mention of other drivers being around Grace he raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything. "But I am just watching your son all the time. So yeah I went out, but I took Jack with me" Grace sighed. "And he enjoyed his time, just aswell as I did." Toto frowned, he felt bad for her, he had treated her as his kids nanny instead of his guest.

"I mean I love Jack. And I really don't mind watching him every once in awhile. But I'm babysitting kids all week. Normally my weekends I try to surround myself with adults." Toto took a step closer to her. "Adults? Like who, Lewis?" Grace scoffed. "Ofcourse that's the only thing you heard." Toto sighed. "I'm sorry. For everything. I never intended to treat you like a baby sitter. I like having you around and had inteded to do things a little different." He rubbed he face. "But it's a little difficult right now. My separation with Susie is still so recent." Grace noticed how his mood changed

"I really like having you around, but it's all a little difficult right now." Toto whispered as he gently grabbed her hips. "I'm sorry." He whispered and Grace gasped a little as his touch on her hips got a little stronger. Grace looked up to face Toto and nodded. "It's okay." She whispered. Toto took a step closer to the woman in front of him. With one hand he let go of her hip, the other still on her hip, and brought it up to her face. Grace blushed furiously under his touch and was holding her breath ever since he had grabbed her hips. He pushed a few stray hairs out of her face and smiled. Before Toto could close the gap between him and Grace a little noise came from across the room as Jack tossed and turned a little in the big kingssize bed. The noise caused both Toto and Grace to snap out of the little moment they were in. Toto instantly released the grip on her hips and Grace jumped back a little. Grace let go of the breath she had been holding and at Toto before she turned around. "I'll see you tomorrow." She whispered and without anything else, she made her way outside.

Toto cursed under his breath as he watched Grace close the door behind her. He walked over to the bed, were Jack was peacefully sleeping and kissed the top of his head.

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