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Grace had enjoyed her weekend with Jack. He was a sweet boy and well behaved, so it was easy for Grace to take care off him. On saturday, after Esteban had called her, the two of them made their way out of the appartement and had a nice day at the beach. Grace had decided to turn of her phone for the day and just focus on the little boy she was supossed to babysit. She knew she was just baysitting the little Wolff and there was nothing more going on, so she didn't really want to be bothered by anything saying differently. Jack was wildly enthusiastic, because according to him it had been the best day ever. After their day at the beach she had made him dinner and made sure he had a bath, washing away all the sand.

On sunday morning the two of them went to visit Jacks grandparrents and check up on them. Grace had felt bad for the elderly couple who had been ill and made them a pan of chickensoup, which had been wildly appreciated by the couple.

Jack and Grace were on their way back to her appartement. "Hurry up Gracie." Jack yelled as he ran in front of her, into the appartement building. "The race is almost starting and I promissed daddy to watch and root for Lewis and Valerie." Grace chuckled, he was too cute and she had to admit Valterri, was a hard name to pronounce. She grabbed the boy and lifted him in her arms as they made their way onto the elevator. "We'll be on time. The race only starts in half an hour." Jack beamed up at her. The two walked into the appartement and Jack ran over to the couch and flopped his body down on it. He tried turning on the tv with the remote. Grace took of her sneakers, dropped her keys on the kitchencounter and made her way over to Jack and helped him turn on the tv. She picked the right channel, Sky Sports, and went to grab a drink for the both of them in the kitchen and some snack for during the race.

She walked back into the room as Jack yelled at the TV. "What's wrong with my dad?" Grace looked at the TV and the camera had zoomed in on Toto's serious face. He was wearing his white Mercedes shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His face was framed by his pair of thick black glasses and a stern look on his face. But other than that he had a large purple bruise on his right cheek. It looked like he had been in a fight. Toto noticed the camera was zoomed in on his face and winked at the camera and even with the massive bruise on his cheek he still looked attractive. But Grace couldn't help but wonder what happened, so she decided to text him.

Your kid and I wonder what happened to your face, are you okay? Good luck on the race.
- Grace

Grace didn't expect him to answer, since he had a race to focus on. But she could see him take out his phone on live television. She could see him smirk down at his phone and he looked up at the camera for only a second before typing away on his phone.

It's nothing, love. I'll see you tonight when I pick up Jack.

He didn't sign his text, but he had called her love. And Grace now she shouldn't pay any attention to it, but the combination of him smirking and looking up into the camera and then texting her and calling her love, left her pondering on what he was doing to her. She decided to put her phone away again, after texting Esteban good luck, and focus on the race.

It was a nice race and Max Verstappen had won his home race, to the disapointement of Jack. Jack had been rooting for Lewis and Valteri, but Lewis had made it into P2 and Valteri was in P3, so not too bad after all. "It's a double podium for Mercedes, that's good." Jack huffed and crossed his arms. "I wanted dads team to win." Grace chuckled and ruffled Jacks head. "But they scored some nice points for the team." She crouched down next to the boy. "It'll be allright, next time we cheer for Lewis again and maybe he will win." Jack nodded swiftly and went to grab some sharpies and a piece of paper. "I'm going to make a drawing for Lewis." He stated as he sat down in front of the coffee table. "To support him and he will win next race." Grace laughed and kissed the top of the boys head. He was too cute. "You do that, and I'll start dinner. Your dad won't be here for another few hours." Jack nodded at her and went back to his drawing. Grace smiled and walked into the kitchen. It wasn't as if she couldn't keep an eye on him from the kitchen, since it was an open kitchen. Grace had turned of the TV after the race and now turned on one of her speaker so that she could softly play some music while she started on a healthy pasta dinner.

After dinner Jack had almost fallen asleep right away. Grace had lifted him from the couch while he could barely keep his eyes open. "Come on Jack. You have to bathe and brush your teeth and then you can sleep." Jack nodded. "Can I sleep in your bed?" He asked her. "Why?" He shrugged. "You smell nice. Like my mom." Grace was a little shocked by his answer but she finally nodded. "I miss my mom." He mumbled, but before Grace could talk to him about it Jack had walked into the bathroom. He waited for Grace to start the bath and hopped in only seconds later. After his bath and brushing his teeth Jack jumped into Graces bed and snuggled into the blankets. "I like you Grace. You are nice, not just like a teacher nice, but friend nice." He mumbled as he snuggled himself further into the blankets. He let out a little yawn. "Will you kiss me goodnight?" Grace raised an eyebrow. "I never go to sleep without a kiss. And you did it last night too." Grace thought he'd been asleep when she kissed his head last night, but apparently he had noticed it. So she couldn't do anything else but kiss the top of his head. "Good night Jack." She whispered. "Nighty night." He mumbled as the woman soflty closed the door behind her.

After putting Jack to bed Grace walked back into her kitchen to clean up. Grace had just finished cleaning up her kitchen and living room and was about to sit down when a soft knock on her door interupted her. She stood up to get it, she supposed it was Toto, to pick up Jack.

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