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The flight to Italy hadn't been long or uncomfortable for Grace. It had been rather comfortable sitting in Toto's private jet. Jack, who was obivously used to flying, had been baving in an examplary manner. He had sat down in his seat, buckled up the whole flight, and had just started watching some cartoons without any noise. A couple of times during the flight he had smiled up at Grace, pulled of his headphones and asked the woman how long their flight still lasted. After she'd answered him he would just nod and pull his headphones back on, making Grace smile at the young boy and slightly ruffle his hair.

Once the plane had arrived at the airport they were met with a big black Mercedes SUV, waiting for them on the runway. "Miss Ocon?" The driver asked as she walked down the stairs of the plane with jack on her arm. "Yea, that's me." The driver nodded and smiled. "I am here to take you to the hotel." Grace quietly thanked the man and moved towards the car. Carefully placing Jack in the car seat. She turned around to grab their luggage from the plane, but saw the driver had already covered both of their suitcases. She smiled up at the man and thanked him again. The man gently smiled and just nodded. She watched as he placed the luggage in the trunk of the car. She took a seat in the backseat of the car, next to Jack and looked outside the window as the car started to drive them trough the Italian landscape.

It had taken them about 45 minutes before the driver pulled up in front of the hotel. Those minutes were enough for Jack to fall into a deep slumber, all the traveling and the day at school taking its toll on the young boy. The driver swiftly opened the door for Grace and she got out quickly. "I'll take care off your lugage." The driver said and then looked over at the young boy, asleep in the car seat. Grace nodded. "Thank you." She whispered and walked over to the other side of the car. Carefully Grace opened the door, unlocked the straps of the car seat and then lifted Jack up into her arms. His eyes fluttered open for a few seconds, he mumbled some incoherent words and then snuggled into Grace as she held onto him. Grace smiled at the little sleepy boy in her arms and walked into the hotel, following the driver.

As she set foot in the lobby of the hotel she saw Esteban waiting for her in one of the lounge areas. He enthousiastically waved at her. "GRACIE!" He yelled, but before he could another sound she shusshed him and pointed at the sleepy boy in her arms. Esteban stopped in his movements and carefully and silently started to make his way over to them. "Hi." He quietly whispered. Grace smiled at him. "Hi Estie." She whispered. "Would you mind and grab my phone from my bag and call Toto." Esteban slowly nodded. "He said he would be here, the driver and pilot both let him know our ETA. But I can't see him." She looked around the lobby and frowned. "I kinda need him to put Jack to bed and get my room key." Esteban nodded.

Esteban dialled the number of 'Toto Wolff' as it said in Grace's phone. It rang several times and just before Esteban thought he'd get the voicemail, Toto answered. "Grace" He grumbled trough the phone. Esteban could hear traffic in the background. "I'm sorry. I'm only a few minutes from the hotel. One of the meetings ran long." Esteban couldn't help but chuckle. He had never heard the Mercedes principal be gentle and apologize so swiftly. "Gracie?" Esteban furrowed his brows as he heard the Mercedes principal call her this. "Actually, it's Esteban." "Oh." Toto groaned, feeling a little embarrassed. "She has he hands full, with a sleeping son of yours." Esteban stated. He could hear Toto hum and several seconds later he heard a car door open and close.

Toto rushed out of the car, once it was parked in front of the hotel. He'd been in a car with one of his engineers and Lewis, still talking strategy for the weekend when he got the call from Grace, or well Esteban. So instead of continuing his conversation with them, he rushed outside of the car. He had wanted to meet her in the hotel lobby at her arrival, but the meeting and then traffic made sure his plane didn't work out as he had wanted. So he felt a little guilty for letting her wait in the hotel lobby. Luckily Esteban had been there for her.

Once he rushed into the hotel lobby he was met by the Ocon siblings and his little boy sleeping soundly in the arms of Grace. Grace smiled at Toto as their eyes met. "Hi" She whispered silently as he came closer. "Hello" Toto smiled down at the girl. He then looked at Esteban and nodded, only receiving an eye-roll from him. "Did everything go okay?" Grace nodded. "Everything was fine. Jack is an examplary little boy." She looked down at the little boy in his arms.

Lewis, who had walked in after Toto and now stood a little behind his principal, had seen the look in her eyes as she looked down at the boy and at that moment he got what had Fernando and Toto so obsessed with the girl. She was such a gentle soul and easy on the eyes too. She had loving eyes, and as she looked down at the boy smiling, he could feel the warmth radiate from her. He had seen her once or twice before, when she had been in a relationship with Fernando, but really met her. She looked up from the little boy and her eyes met Toto's, but before she could say anything she was distracted by the movement behind him and her bright blue eyes had met Lewis' dark eyes. Lewis watched as she smiled up at him, her bright eyes lighting up and he was taken aback a little by the warmth that came over him, caused by her smile and the look in her eyes.

Behind Toto stood Lewis Hamilton and Grace smiled brightly at the World Champion. Toto looked behind him, to what the woman was smiling at and rolled his eyes. Ofcourse, ofcourse she would be distracted the minute Lewis walked in. "Lewis." Toto grumbled as he saw how Grace smiled at the man. "Nice to meet you. You must be Grace." Lewis stretched out his hand to shake hers. Grace nodded and accepted his hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you." Toto rolled his eyes and frowned at Lewis. Lewis took a step back. "I'll see you tomorrow, Toto." He then turned to Grace "I hope to see you in the Mercedes garage over the weekend."

Lewis walked away from the scene and it left the two Ocons with the Wolff kid and his dad, standing in the hotel lobby. Grace raised a brow at Toto, but didn't say anything about his behaviour. Instead she looked down at the little boy in her arms. "Let's get Jackie into a bed." At this Toto nodded, he handed her the keycard to her room and then took Jack from her arms. "We're on the same floor." He mumbled and then walked away, holding Jack in one arm and Jack suitcase in the other.

Esteban looked a little confused at his little sister, who seemed just as confused. Grace shrugged, grabbed her suitcase and turned back to Estie. "Well let's go. I'm starving and I've heard roomservice is excellent here."

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