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The spore has not been planted yet.

My only purpose with this story is to paint Mark as the typical guy with Daddy issues who likes to be mistreated.


(if you read it) greetings to Jared  warrenheim on Pinterest/Twitter 🧍‍♂️.

Welcome to the new world order.


Months had passed since Anthony had "disappeared" and Mark felt more and more alone, more and more...intact.

Waking up every morning without him felt overwhelming, it wasn't the same without his "friend", he was truly one of the few people who understood him and his apathy for the world.

Damn how I missed him.

However, with his new partner everything was different and even worse.

Every morning he wake up, go down to the kitchen and see him sitting statically, waiting for him to have breakfast, with a smile from ear to ear.

-Good morning Mark!-that man greeted happily with no response from the other side,-Aren't you going to have breakfast?-Mark just looked at him and walked past, ignoring him. Antonio followed him with his gaze while his smile faded. He stood up.

Mark headed off with his muse, but was stopped by his partner, scaring him.

-Where are you going friend? -Apparently Antonio had powers or something, well, that was the only explanation Mark could find.

Mark, still scared and not making eye contact, answers.

-um...with the muse, can I? -Mark was being sarcastic about the fact that he had almost no freedom.

-But of course! As long as I'm with you of course-Antonio only reaffirmed the previous fact.

Mark just walked past towards the living room. Once there he began to look around, Antonio was watching from the door frame.



-you're so stupid-he said between his teeth-up,the muse is on the ceiling-.

At this Mark looked up, getting quite scared because, yes, the muse was on the ceiling.

-mayhwe...-said that creature with difficulty.

-what...what do you want?-.

-give me Ant...-both Antonio and Mark were confused with that answer.

-ant? What is that?-.

-Athony...-Mark froze when he heard his dead friend's name.

-Anthony is..dead-.

-Give me more~-suddenly, the lights began to flicker and in one of these intervals between light and darkness the muse disappeared.

Mark, clearly confused, looked at Antonio.

-Do you know what it means?-.

-she wants you to kill another human-
Given this response, Mark could not respond-hey hey...-Antonio approaches Mark-don't worry, the first time is always difficult...-Antonio takes Mark by the shoulders and sits him down abruptly on the couch-...why don't you relax for a moment,Buddy?...let's watch television-Antonio seemed strangely understanding...Mark had no choice but to follow his orders.

Once watching television, the atmosphere was too uncomfortable, Mark couldn't stop thinking about his muse's request: A human being? Mark wasn't sure he could execute that order...not again.

Mark!, Mark...who is going to stop me?(English version)Where stories live. Discover now