章 16

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After telling Ranga to stay in his shadow, Rimuru and you entered the large city. It was bustling with energetic individuals as they moved from one place to another. Your eyes was shifting everywhere. There were so many buildings and so many people. You knew it would've been possible for someone to get lost here.

"So where are we heading?"

Rimuru pointed to a noticeable large building, practically larger than any other buildings in the area. "You see that building over there? There's where we're heading."

After you nodded in understanding, the two of you made your way to the entrance of the architect, making conversations here and there.

Rimuru spoke to the receptionist. "I'm Rimuru Tempest and this is my companion. I've already let the headmaster know beforehand I'd have someone with me."

The lady nodded her head as she typed quickly on her computer. "Alright. I'll let the headmaster know. You two can wait right over there until I call your name."


"So this is his office?" You wondered why it seemed so empty, yet full at the same time. The headmaster had a shelf filled with books of the same story. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, but brush it off anyway. Rimuru eyes were focused on the books that was on the shelf. He took one from it's place and opened it to glaze through it. You eyed the man before looking at the desk that was placed just in front of the door. The desk was just as empty as his office was. "What is he the headmaster of anyways?" You quietly asked yourself.

Though, the thought quickly vanished from your mind as you heard the door open. You turned to face the individual who invited himself in the room. His eyes were closed as he held the biggest smile on his face. "Hello. Are you the headmaster?" The man was quick to open his eyes and halted in his spot. Rimuru removed his eyes from the book and looked at the man.

"Oh, hello. I'm Rimuru. Leader of the Tempest Jurest Configuration. It's nice to finally meet you."

The headmaster stayed silent though, glaring hard at the blue head.

You wondered if the two had bad blood or something.

"That mask," The headmaster finally spoke. "It's Shizu own." He said calmly, but you knew he was meant to be passive-aggressive about it. Rimuru tried to reason with him, but the headmaster wasn't having it. He balled his fist and before any of you knew it, he went straight toward the blue head, targeting his face.

"Rimuru!" You wanted to help, but Rimuru prevented you from doing so.

"Stay there, Y/N. I got this." You did as told, frowning as you watched Rimuru fought that man.

The headmaster, though, stopped throwing punches after awhile and questioned the slime with visible anger still lingering on his face. "How did you get her mask?"

Rimuru removed the mask from his face, revealing his lemon colored eye as he answered the male. "I'm Rimuru Tempest and I can transform into anything I eat." He introduced himself, though, it didn't do much as the young man was still angry and annoyed. "It was given to me by Shizu herself. And—well. That should help you figure out the story."

"Anything you eat? What are you trying to say?"

Rimuru became hesitant. "Uh—wait! Maybe I worded it wrong. I came here to—" But the headmaster couldn't care less anymore. He went to try attack Rimuru once more, but with quick reflexes, Rimuru was able to block his hits. "Wait! I'm an other worlder like you!"

"Really? How should I believe you?"

"I'm not a bad slime slurp!"

It was quiet for a moment. You watched as the headmaster's face was switched from anger and confusion to one of shock and happiness. You were confused now. How did one little line changed how the headmaster felt about Rimuru? Either way, both parties retracted from their stance.

"You're not from here?" The man asked once again to reassure himself.

"No. That's what I've been trying to tell you."

The headmaster stayed silent before bowing down. "I'm really sorry about how I acted. I'm Yuki Kagurazaka." He looked toward you with a smile. "And who might you be?"

"I'm Y/N."

"She's my fiancè. We both came here to talk to you about something." Rimuru elaborated and Yuki nodded in acknowledgment.

"But first, you said you were an other worlder right?" Rimuru answered with a yes. "Then..The mangas?"

Rimuru knew exactly what Yuki was talking about.

For awhile, you stood quietly as you watched the two man child fangirled over an item you had no knowledge about. You didn't mind as you were glad that Rimuru was at least getting on Yuki's good side, but you also wanted to hurry get this over with so you can sit down and relax.

"Uhm," You cleared your throat, drawing both Yuki's and Rimuru's attention towards you. "Rimuru.. aren't we here for another reason?"

Rimuru face erupted in red blush as he git embarrassed of the way he acted. "Right." He began speaking. "Shizu told me that I had to finish something for her."

"Right." Yuki placed the book he had in his hand on the desk and began making his way toward his office door. "Follow me," As you all exited out of the room, Yuki began explaining how there's a group of kids that Shizu used to teach had a curse placed on them. He wasn't sure how to take the curse away from them, so Shizu agreed to help. That's before she passed away, though, so the children are left to deal with on their own.
"So that happened."

"Is there a way to fix it?" Rimuru asked, worried filling his time.

"I have no idea, but maybe you can still be of use by helping them with their powers."

Y/N joined. "And where will we be staying? I'm assuming we'll be staying here for a while if you're—we—you're going to help these kids."

"Right. I'll prepare a sleeping area for you two."

not edited

Y'all know how in the anime they made it seem as if Rimuru and that little girl was gonna date or something? or was it just me? It was low-key giving willy and noodle in a way (I can't tell if it was worst or better tho).

Anyways, I thought about making another TTIGRAAS story, except it's not about Rimuru but about him before he got reincarnated. I already have a plan for it but I haven't started writing it yet.

I also had to use my old book for reference when dealing with this chapter so some of the dialogue may be the same lol.

How I be when someone votes for my other Rimuru story instead of this one:

i guess a win is a win

onto chapter 17...

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