章 14

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As soon as the fight was done, You rushed out to see if anyone needed some help. Your eyes was traveling everywhere and was able to find Rimuru, who was just staring up at the sky.

"Rimuru." You called and the blue head faced you with a smile.

"Glad you're okay." You stayed silent and searched around the area before facing him again.

"Why were those creatures here?"

"Charybdis and I'm still not too sure." He honestly answered. "Are you hurt? Those Charybdis didn't came to attack the village, did they?"

You shook your head. "I told them to hide while Elith and I kept our eyes on the look out."

"Thanks, Y/N. You make things so much easier."

You only smiled, not saying anything else.

"I should probably go take a bath. That battle has me beat." You watched as Rimuru waved at you before strolling off to where he said he needed to be.


You sat quietly on a bench surrounded by flowers—one of your people pointed this place out to you a few days ago and decided this will be your new favorite place other than your room. Your eyes was glued to the blue sky as the wind wildly danced around you.

You felt selfish taking this little break from everyone when you've barely done anything to deserve it. But you felt as if your mind would explode.

After the fight Rimuru and the others had with the Charybdis, random images of your mother has been flashing through your mind. It's been two days since the battle, and the images refused to leave your mind.

What does this mean?

You sighed, a frown now painted across your face.

"Y/N?" You cocked your head at the direction. Rimuru stood with a nervous look, a basket filled with snacks in his hand. "I was looking for you. Are you doing well?"

You nodded your head. "I'm doing alright. I'm just taking in the breeze." You then motion for him to sit next to you in the bench. "Come." The blue head moved his feet and sat where you wanted him to. He placed the basket between you two and took a sandwich from it afterwards. "You said you were looking for me? What is it?"

Rimuru took a bite of his sandwich. "Oh," he tried his best to chew his sandwich as fast as he could without choking in the process. "You've been acting... well, I can't say different, but weren't like your usual self."

You hummed. "There's no need to worry about me, Rimuru. I was just thinking."

"Oh? About what?"

You were debating if you should tell him about your mother and your life of being a demon lord.

"I was just thinking about my mother and the time I was a demon lord."

And you did.

But Rimuru smiled to brighten up the mood. "I'm still so shock to hear you were a demon lord." Rimuru placed a hand in the basket and took out another sandwich. He handed it to you, which you gladly took before taking a bite out of it.

"It's not like I really wanted to. It was forced onto me by my mummy."

Rimuru eyes widen at what you said but stayed silent as he waited for you to continue.

"It just... confuses me. Why would she hand the title over to me when she can just quit?" At this point, your voice was muffled by the sandwich between your teeth. The slime sweat dropped at that but you swallowed your piece of sandwich in your mouth and continued speaking. "Now I'm seeing images of my mummy in my head. What does this mean and what is she trying to tell me?"

"Do you think it's a sign? Maybe she's telling you something?" The slime guessed, but you only shrugged.

"Maybe she's just haunting me in her death. Maybe all of this is revenge for something I did when I was a child."

Rimuru was flabbergasted by what you had said. Why would you think like that? And something you did as a child? What could it be?

"Well," The blue head thought of something to say. "Maybe... we can figure this out together. After we're married, we can... help each other with our problems."

You only nodded, still biting on your sandwich. "I'd like that, Rimuru. I hope this'll make us closer, too."

"I bet it will. I'll be going somewhere for a while and I'd like for you to come with me."

"Hm?" You tilted your head as you waited for him to speak.

"I haven't told you about myself yet, so I'll start off by saying that I was reincarnated. I was once human, but I died. Now I'm here as a slime." Your eyebrows was furrowed in confusion as Rimuru spoke. "When I entered this world, someone told me I was their soulmate, but she died. As her last wish, I consumed her body and was able to take this form." You stared at the man, a hint of fear in your eyes and he was quick to realize. "No, no! I didn't eat her.. I mean I did, but I didn't chew her... if that makes you feel any better. She's just staying in my stomach until...I'm not sure." Rimuru tried his best to backtrack his words, but you were still suspicions. You stayed still anyways and continued to listen to him as he finish spoke. "She had some unfinished plans and I promised I'd do it for her. It was the least I can do. So, with that, I wanted you to come with me, so we can this together."

You stuffed the last piece of your sandwich in your mouth. You wouldn't mind going with the man. Maybe going with him will get your mind off of things and you'll get to know each other more since you'll be married soon. You smiled.

"Sure, Rimuru. When will we be leaving?"

He smiled. "The day after tomorrow."

I was about to post this but my wifi got turn off for a while 😭 I'm back now tho.

onto chapter 15...

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