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"Hi Sarah come on in" Mr Morgan says as he answers the door to me.
"Look at you all fancy" I say to Mr Morgan as he is all suited up.
"Thank you very much" he says
"Sarah I have all your clothes to wear, they are all on my bed. Feel free to change in my bedroom" Mrs Morgan says to me
"Okay thanks" I reply.
I head upstairs to find their room. The only room I've been in up here is Ethan's and the bathroom.
"Hey Sarah" Jane says as she gives me a hug.
"Hey. Your mom said she left some clothes in her bedroom for me, but which one of them is her bedroom?" I ask her
"It's this one" Jane skips to a door down the hallway.
"Okay thanks Jane. You look so pretty in that purple dress"
"Thanks Sarah"
Jane gives me another hug and heads downstairs.
I enter the room and see on the bed there is a white shirt, a straight black skirt, a little black apron and some black heels... right okay? Guess I will look like a proper professional waitress then. I get changed and spray a bit of perfume that I "borrowed" from the mall and get ready to head downstairs.
Mrs & Mr Morgan's bedroom door gets knocked on.
"Who is it?" I shout to them.
"Are you descent?" Ethan's voice shouts from outside.
The door opens and Ethan walks in "that's a shame" he says with a laugh.
"Stop it" I say to him as I give him a little hit on his arm.
"You look like a fancy little waitress"
"Thanks. You look like a little dork in that sweater vest"
"Well then no tip for you"
"HEY! That's rude"
"I just don't think it's right for the waitress to insult me"
"Oh don't you now?"
"Nope, it's actually very unprofessional"
I get closer to him and give him a kiss
"Now was that unprofessional?" I say to him
"Ummm... nope that was the correct thing to do and I think you should do it again"
We just start kissing again and he unbuttons my shirt an I pull off his sweater vest. I honestly don't understand why whenever we are alone together, this happens? It's almost like we just crave it all the time, so when we have these alone moments it seems the right thing to do.
"Sarah, how are you getting on in there?" Mrs Morgan says from the hallway stopping Ethan and I from doing anything.
"Great thanks" I reply to her
"Do you need help with your apron?"
"No thanks Mrs Morgan"
"Okay when you're done can you come downstairs"
"Will do Mrs Morgan"
"It's nearly time for the fun guests to come" Ethan says putting his sweater vest back on.
"Yep. Rory's wonderful uncle" I say as I button up my shirt.

All the guests start coming in and I literally only thought it would be like four people, but there is more like 30 people in this house and I'm the only waitress...
I see Mr & Mrs Morgan greeting people at the door and I see Jane and Ethan talking to some other people. There is a lot of people and I hate people... I don't do well with people...
"Hello Benny thanks for coming to help" I see Mrs Morgan say to Benny at the door. Benny looks a bit like a waiter as well and Mrs Morgan has just given him an apron?
"Oh Sarah sweetie" Mrs Morgan signals for me to come over to her.
"Is everything okay?" I ask
"I know you are worried about how many guests there are because I am as well, I didn't think it would be this many, but I've called Benny and he is also going to be a waiter to help you out. I'm so sorry"
"Don't worry about it Mrs Morgan. It will be great. You just enjoy yourself and remember the client, Rory's uncle, can be a bit blunt and rude, so just try and remain calm."
"Oh dear. Do you think he will be rude about the house?"
"I'm sure everything will be fine and if you need me for anything, food, a drink or if you want me to beat up the client I will be happy to"
Mrs Morgan and I share a little laugh together and I see in the corner of my eye Ethan is looking at us.
"Excuse me young lady. Please can I get some whisky with ice" one of the guests ask me.
"Yes of course, I will be right back" I respond.
I quickly rush into their kitchen and sort out the drink.
"Hey look at us Sarah" Benny says coming into the kitchen with a bit stupid grin.
"Yep, we are waiters" I say to him rolling my eyes.
"We are going to do awesome! I say if someone is rude to you we should just spit in their drink!"
"Don't you dare Benny! These are Mr Morgan's work colleagues and clients, so it needs to go well"
"It will be fine some hot lady friend asked me for some diet lemonade, so I'm going to get that for her and whilst I do I'm going to be giving her some taste of Benny"
Benny winks and points to himself
"Ewww. You are gross" I say as I walk back into the living room with this guys whisky.
"Here you go sir" I say as I hand him the glass
"Thank you young lady. You are very pretty"
"Urrr... thanks"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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