Is That Him?

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All night I was thinking about what happened with Ethan last night. I don't really sleep anyway, you know as I have this whole immortal  thing going on, but if I wanted to sleep I couldn't! He was just on my mind and I couldn't get him out of it no matter how hard I tried. I seriously don't know what would have happened if I actually kissed him? I hope he doesn't go around telling all his friends about it... Now I'm wondering if I should even be their babysitter anymore as I don't want anything like that happening.

I'm hungry and feeling like a rat will hit the spot, I miss actual food like pizza... But I guess a gross rat is all I have right now.  I've lost my hoodie, so I put on a leather jacket and head out to get my food and then I'm thinking about watching films all day and being on my own with nobody else as I don't want anyone with me. Right? I see an alley way and head down there as that's where my dinners tend to hide. Ooohhh that's a big one! I grab the rat and do something everyone thinks is gross and suck the blood out of a dirty rat. This is my life now thanks to my ex boyfriend. Now my stomach is filled it's time to head home.
"HEY LEAVE ME ALONE" I hear a girl shout.
I quickly come out the alley way and see that Dusk girl I saw in Lotta Latte with some other bitch who has just pushed her and crushed her glasses.
"OI YOU!" I shout to her as I charge over "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?"
The bitch just laughs and I pick up this poor Dusk girl.
"She was writing in her stupid notebook about Jakeward! It was so bad and stupid" the bitch says
"I suggest you leave right now or I will make your face look bad and stupid!" I snap
"Oh really and how are you going to do that?"
"Very very easily"
My eyes change colour, but I don't get my fangs out. When I get angry or what to scar someone I usually change my eyes to this yellow shade, but I don't always get my fangs out unless I want to. When this bitch sees my eyes I can see her face starts to panic.
"LEAVE!" I shout at her and she runs away as quick as she can. "Are you okay?" I say to the Dusk girl.
"Yeah, apart from the fact I can't see properly now as my glasses are smashed" she says.
"Don't worry we can get them fixed. Did she hurt you at all?"
"She pushed me, but it didn't hurt that much"
"Hopefully she doesn't come back"
"Thank you for defending me and scaring her away. How did you do that?"
"Urrrr... I'm just very scary naturally I guess"
"My name is Erica by the way"
"Nice to meet you Erica, if you are alright I'm going to head back to my apartment, unless you need help with anything else?"
"I'm okay thank you, but you didn't tell me your name"
"It's a pretty rubbish name, so anyway I'm going to go now"
"Oh okay. Thanks again"
I quickly walk away from her, I need to keep a low profile, but when I see stuff like that I just can't help it as I can't see some bitch hurt an innocent girl.

I get upstairs in the block of apartments and as I walk round the corner I see Ethan knocking on my door.
"Can I help you?" I say as I walk towards him
"Oh! Sorry! Umm... you left this" Ethan says as he pulls out my hoodie from his backpack.
"There it is! I was looking for that"
"You left it in our living room and I didn't know if you could wait until next Friday to have it and I sort of know where you live as I've been here"
"Right, well thanks. See you Friday"
"Yeah see you Friday... I guess"
"Do you want to come in for a drink?"

I know I know! Don't say it! I know I shouldn't invite him in AGAIN, but I felt so awkward and didn't know what to say, but just one drink of coke or coffee or whatever he wants won't hurt.
We walk into my apartment, which isn't the tidiest.
"Sorry about the mess" I say to him
"It's not really messy it's fine" he responds
"What do you want for a drink?"
"Have you got lemonade?"
"Can I just have a glass of that please?"
"If course"
I bring over the drink and he is just sat on my sofa, but looking around my apartment.
"Oh my god! You have Zombie Apocalypse 4 on DVD!"
"Yeah I was going to watch it when I got home"
"That has only just been realised. How did you get it?"
"I just got it online as soon as it came out"
"Wow you must have super speed or something?"
"Ha ha ha... yeah..."
"Who are these?" Ethan says as he picks up an old picture I have of my parents
"They are just my parents that's all"
"Oh yeah I'm sorry about that"
"It's alright. Sometimes I just like to have that picture out to remember them and I wonder if they remember me at all?"
"Why wouldn't they remember you?"
"Nothing! You want to watch Zombie Apocalypse 4?"
I had to quickly change the conversation as I don't want him to know too much about me, I think he just assumes my parents are dead. They aren't, but if he thinks that it's fine and he won't start poking around to find out information about them and my life. I need to keep them safe from my ex boyfriend and all of his vampire friends/family.

God this film is violet! The first ones weren't like this at all! Blood and guts everywhere! Sort of gross...
"This film will shake anyone up!" Ethan says as he squints his eyes to a gross part where this zombie is literally eating someone's brain right out of their head.
"It's a bit much isn't it?"
"Just slightly. I was meant to watch it in cinema with Benny, but we missed our chance as when we were waiting in the queue some strange group of guys push in and started asking lots of questions about if they've seen some girl and I don't know what happened, but it was almost like the person selling the tickets was in a trance and just walked away"
"A group of guys?"

Oh my god that sounds a bit suspicious and the trance thing! My ex boyfriend and his friends can do glamouring, which is basically you have an influence on people and tell them what to do... Also looking for some girl. Is that me? Have they found me? Oh my god I feel like I'm going to faint! I can't have them find me! I just got comfortable in Whitechapel and now I'm going to move again!

"Sarah are you okay?" Ethan asks. I think he can see by my face that I'm freaking out right now.
"Yeah I'm fine! Don't I look fine?" I respond trying to calm myself down.
"You look like you are about to pass out or something"
"I just don't feel very well that's all"
"Let me get you some water"
Ethan stands up and goes to my fridge to get some water. I feel like the room is spinning and then I see it... IS THAT HIM? OUTSIDE MY WINDOW! MY EX IS FLYING OUTSIDE MY WINDOW! I quickly blink and rub my eyes in case I'm seeing things in the moment and now he is gone! Has he found me? I need to leave! I need Ethan to leave as well! Oh god if he saw Ethan then he will kill him...
"ETHAN!" I shout
"What? What's wrong?" Ethan says as he runs over with my water.
"You need to leave now, but let me take you home just in case"
"In case of what?"
"You know... it's a bad world out there, so I will walk you home!"
Ethan gets his jacket on and I quickly run to my window and see if I can see my ex. I look on the sidewalk and in the air and I can't see him. Maybe I'm seeing things, but just to be safe I'm taking Ethan home.

Alone with a Secret Curse (Based of My babysitters a vampire)Where stories live. Discover now