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1 month later

"Come on Sarah we need to get going!" Jesse shouts to me
"Alright give me a second!" I shout back from the hotel bathroom.
We are currently at a hotel in Johnsons Crossing Canada, it's a nice quiet city. Jesse wants to go out for a nice dinner tonight, I hate all of this still. Even though it's been a month, I still miss Whitechapel with Ethan... and of course Benny and Rory and stuff...
I am still playing this game with Jesse, I want him to 100% think we will be together and then I'm going to strike and get him back for what he has done to me, my friends and my family!
"Sarah let's go!" Jesse shouts to me
I step out of the bathroom in a short red silk dress that has little straps and a is backless, I've pair it with some short black heels and a nice black and red purse.
"Wow Sarah... You look amazing! This is how I've wanted you to look like since I first met you. Non of the boyish lazy outfits with no makeup. I like it when you make an effort" Jesse says
"Right... Thanks" I sarcastically say back to him. Ethan would never say anything like that to me! He likes me for the way I am and will always be.
Jesse links my arm and we leave the hotel to head to this fancy restaurant called Royal Rose Garden, I'm really not looking forward to it as it's actually a vampire run restaurant. Yep you heard me, it's a restaurant just for vampires, they serve all sorts of things to do with vampires and blood and ectoplasm. I'm still not drinking human blood, even though Jesse keeps pushing me to. I'm holding it off for as long as I can. I will never be a full vampire or else it's over for me and I have NO chance to become human again.

"Welcome sir, do you have a booking?" The guy on the door says to Jesse
"Yes we do it's under Jesse" Jesse says to the guy.
We get led to our table and given out menus. I start to look around the room and I can see everyone is all dressed up fancy and most of them actually have their fangs out, which I find a bit odd?
"Sarah you have to try this" Jesse says, he points to an item on the menu which is called "More Mortals" so basically he wants me to eat a human and consume their blood.
"No thanks Jesse. I'm going for the salad that has a tiny bit of swan blood on the side, so nothing to do with human life" I respond with attitude.
"Oh come on Sarah. It's got to happen at some point. Why can't it be tonight?"
"I'm just not ready yet. You told me it was my choice, but you keep pushing it and the more you push it the less likely I am to do it, so just stop"
"Fine, but soon you will see it the right way Sarah"
"Okay Jesse let's just order our food"

We are nearly finished with our meal and to be fair, even though it was very posh for me, I actually liked.
"How was it?" Jesse asks me
"Nice. How was yours?" I ask back
"Very good. Gosh human blood tastes so good and smells so... smells..."
Jesse and other vampires start to sniff something and they all stand up, almost like they are getting a bit excited. I sniff and I can sort of smell it... Smells slightly human.
"It's not possible" Jesse says staring at the door in shock.
I quickly shoot my head around and look at the door as well and I cannot believe what I'm seeing... It's Ethan and Benny walking into the restaurant with massive water guns in their hands.
All the other vampires apart from Jesse and I sit back down.
"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?" I shout to them.
"We are here to save you" Ethan says.
"Ha ha ha! I can't believe you guys actually found us. Give it up you two" Jesse laughs.
"How did you even find us?" I ask them both.
"I had a vision of this restaurant and then you were over a body with blood all over your face and fangs and I was worried Jesse would get you into drinking a human" Ethan says
"Both of you leave. NOW! It's not safe for you" I say to them. I'm so scared they are going to get killed right now. I can't believe they did this? I had my plan set up and they've just panicked and ruined it all!

Jesse is still sort of laughing and he slowly comes towards both of them.
"Stay back!" Ethan snaps to him holding the water gun right at him.
"Oh Ethan. I think I already know what this is about. You like Sarah and you think that killing me will get her to come to you and you can live happily ever after. Am I right?" Jesse says to him.
"No! I just don't want a good friend to come to any harm"
"Face it Ethan. She doesn't want you, so instead of making a fool of yourself, just go or else I might have to kill you"
"Jesse don't you dare! You told me that if I came with you and stayed with you then you wouldn't hurt or kill them!" I say coming closer to him.
"Yeah I did say that... but unfortunately they decided they wanted to get involved"
"They will go now" I say, my voice is shaking from the nerves
"No we aren't leaving without Sarah" Ethan says.
"Yes you are!" I snap back
"No!" Benny snaps at me
"Jesse let's just go" I say grabbing Jesse's hand.
If Ethan and Benny aren't going, then we can just go so they can be safe. Ethan and I are just looking into each other's eyes and all these memories of us two together start flying through my head. I remember how his skin feels, I remember how he kisses, I remember how amazing it was and I remember how much fun we had...

"Earth to Sarah!" Jesse says as he snaps his fingers in my face.
"What?" I quickly say coming back from my daydream of Ethan.
"Ohhhhh... I know what's happened here" Jesse says with a devious smile.
"What?" Ethan asks
"Something has happened here hasn't it?" Jesse says point his fingers to Ethan and then to me
"No. What makes you think that?" I say
"I can tell by the way you were both looking at each other and how Sarah is desperate to keep you safe" Jesse says still with his devious smile plastered on his face
"No. Not at all Jesse" I say trying to make my voice sound normal and not like I'm shaking like a leaf.
"What will make you become a full vampire Sarah?"
"Answer my question. What will make you become a full vampire?"
"I... I don't know?"
"I do..."
Jesse suddenly grabs hold of Ethan, pulls out his arm and bites him as hard as he can.
"NO!" I scream
"ETHAN!" Benny shouts
This cannot be happening right now!
Jesse finally lets go of Ethan who just falls to the ground in pain.
"Kid tastes good! Now either you become one or he does. You finally get your choice. I will be back soon" Jesse says and then flies away out of the restaurant.

Ethan is on the ground crying in pain and I know what I need to do...
"Ethan" I say as I run to him and get on the ground.
"" Ethan muffles out
I quickly suck all the venom out of him and I can see in his face how much this hurts him, but it's for the best. I've got it all out and he has passed out and I'm sat next to him crying. This is it now, I've finally become a full vampire.
My worst nightmare has come true...

Alone with a Secret Curse (Based of My babysitters a vampire)Where stories live. Discover now