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"Hello Sarah" Jesse says as he appears from the sky
"Hello" I respond
"So where are we going my dear?"
"Well I'm not sure. I'm thinking maybe we can talk about it first"
"What is there to talk about Sarah? You either come with me and we can be together and all powerful or you stay here and I kill all of your friends"
"Don't touch them! You've already got your friend to kill two people"
"Oh yeah Drake is great. He is actually here with me"
"Wait... what? You said it's just going to be you and me?"
"Yeah, but you brought some friends, so I thought I would as well"
Jesse points to the tree they were all hiding around and I can hear people grunting and struggling. No... no!
Ethan, Benny and Rory are being held onto by some vampires.
I see Drake has hold of Ethan, some vampire that I don't recognise has Rory and... and... oh my god! Erica has Benny!
"ERICA?" I shout to her as I'm so confused.
"Erica is now one of us Sarah." Jesse says laughing
"Erica drank human blood?" I ask
"Yeah. Erica understood the assignment, but you don't seem to get it. So to teach you a lesson I am going to kill all your little friends here"
"Oh really?" I hear Ethan say. Ethan manages to pull a garlic water balloon out of his jacket pocket and he smashes it in Drake's face. Drake just suddenly lets go of Ethan and disappears into nothing but smoke... Holy shit!

"I will deal with these lot, you deal with Jesse" Ethan quickly says to me. I pull the stake out of my back pocket and try to stab Jesse with it, but he has grabbed my arm.
"That's not nice Sarah" he says as he is slowly and painfully pushing my arm down. I drop the stake and just kick him as hard as I can, but unfortunately Jesse is a very strong and an old vampire, so this isn't going to be fun.
Jesse launches over to me, grabs my neck and pins me against a tree.
"Now you can watch while my friend Zach and new friend Erica kill them!" Jesse says to me. I'm trying to break free, but he is too strong and I can't reach into my pocket to get the water gun either. Jesse starts using some of his powers and is draining all the energy from me. I can feel it all going away, I feel like I'm about to pass out.

"TAKE THIS!" I hear Benny shout as he turns on the tanning bed poles. I have missed some of their fight as I was trying to deal with Jesse, but it looks like that they all got free from Erica and Zach.
"STAY AWAY!" Ethan shouts as he grabs a water gun and sprays Erica with it.
"OUCH! I'm getting you!" Erica shouts to Ethan
"ERICA NO!" I shout as loud as I can because Jesse has hold of my neck.
Erica comes running over to me, but Jesse isn't letting go of me. "What is it Sarah? Are you shocked that I'm now so hot?" Erica says to me with an evil smile.
"This isn't you Erica" I say
"My whole life I've been bullied and now I'm a powerful and hot vampire. Life is now good!"
"I know you love Dusk, but you must know that this is wrong"
"Not at all. I'm feeling hungry, so I think I'm going to go back and help Zach"
"Erica please stop" I say, but it's too late as she is already walking away from me and Jesse.
"Face it Sarah. I warned you and now look what you've done? Those boys are going to die because of you" Jesse says.

"HAVE SOME OF THIS FANGS!" I hear Benny shout as he stakes Zach, now it's just Benny, Ethan and Erica. I'm really not sure what happened to Rory? I don't know if he chickened out and flew away or what?
"NO! HOW HAVE YOU NERDS DONE THIS?!" Jesse shouts as lets go of me and I fall to the ground. He runs towards Erica and I can see how angry he is, I need to get my energy back or he will kill them.
"GIVE IT UP JESSE!" Ethan shouts to him
"We've killed some of your friends, so if I was you I would be scared" Benny says all cocky.
"Ha! Let's just eat them both" Erica says sneeringly to Jesse.
"I'm going to give Sarah one more chance actually" Jesse says looking at me. By the way, I'm still on the floor as I still don't have that much energy.
"Erica grab the magic one" Jesse says.
Erica follows his orders and grabs hold of Benny.
Jesse uses his powers to take energy out of Ethan as Ethan just falls to the floor.
"D... don't... don't touch him Jesse" I struggle to say as I slowly stand up.
"Ha ha ha! Sarah why are you still fighting for these guys?" Jesse asks with a condescending laugh.
My legs feel really shaking and I feel like I'm going to pass out. Jesse took so much energy out of me and I can't fight him... To save Ethan and Benny I'm just going to go with him and fight him another time.
"I can't do this Jesse. You win" I say as I put my hands in the air.
"NO WAY!" Benny shouts. Erica quickly shoves her hands around Benny's mouth to shut him up.
"What do you mean Sarah?" Jesse asks as he slowly comes towards me
"If you kill them I will fight and fight and I will never stop trying to get away from you or even killing you, but... if you let them go then I will go with you everywhere and anywhere and I will never leave you" I say. I can't feel my eyes watering and I'm trying not to cry. I can't let them die, so if it means I'm sort of a slave to Jesse, then it's what I am.
"SARAH NO!" Ethan shouts whilst he is still on his knees due to Jesse's powers
"QUIET!" Erica snaps at Ethan
"Say it Sarah" Jesse says as he starts to walk around me. I can feel his breath on the back of my neck and it's giving me goosebumps.
"Say what?" I respond
"Promise me that if I don't kill them you and I will go on together"
I look at Ethan, who looks absolutely distraught and then I look at Jesse right in his eyes.
"I promise"
Jesse has a little evil laugh and puts his arms around me and I semi hug him back.
"Now let my friends go" I say to Jesse as I break away from the hug.
"Fine" Jesse says.
Jesse snaps his fingers and Ethan falls on his face and then Erica lets go of Benny and shoves him on the ground as well.
"Dude are you okay?" Benny asks Ethan
"No" Ethan replies and then he looks to me.
"Can I at least say goodbye to them before we go?" I ask Jesse.

Jesse huffs and just nods, so I quickly run over to Ethan and Benny on the ground.
"Are you guys okay?" I frantically ask
"Sarah I can't let you go with him" Ethan says
"And I can't let you die" I say back
"But if you go with him then you will die"
"It will be okay. You guys live your lives how you did before I flipped them upside down"
"You made our lives more interesting though" Benny says with a little smile
"And you guys showed me friendship and.,. And love. This is why I can't have anything bad happen to you" I say to them both, apart from when I said love I just looked at Ethan.
"Sarah we can kill him. Really quickly and you won't have to do this" Ethan whispers to me.
"I do have an idea, but it might be a bad one" Benny whispers back.
"Hey hey hey. No new plans, look what happened here tonight. You guys just go home and don't even think of me" I whisper to them both.
"COME ON SARAH! THAT IS ENOUGH LETS GO!" Jesse shouts to me.
"Goodbye Benny... Goodbye Ethan" I say with tears in my eyes.
We then all stand up and have a big group hug. I don't want to let go, I don't want to leave with Jesse, but I will do it for them.
Jesse quickly comes over and pulls me away from them.
"No!" Ethan snaps
"Oh shut up geek! Let's go Sarah" Jesse says.
Jesse grabs my arm and whistles at Erica to come with us, Erica shoots off into the air. Now I'm a fledgling vampire, which means I can't fly, but with Jesse locked onto my arm I give one look back to Ethan and Benny and then WHOOSH! I fly off with Jesse...

Alone with a Secret Curse (Based of My babysitters a vampire)Where stories live. Discover now