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Five Years Ago

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Five Years Ago

"You are unbelievable!" Kara shouted at her boyfriend Mon-El, she had caught him in bed with another woman and now he was telling her that he was leaving her."I am six months pregnant with your child!" She yelled at him as he packed his clothes.

"Your not what or who I want" Mon-El said "Your getting bigger every day and using up all of my money."

"No! You're using your money on beer and cheap whores!" Kara pointed a finger in his face.

Mon-El walked past Kara and left.


Weeks goes by and Kara was fired, since she didn't have her powers she had to walk to the bus station that took her across town which made her late, then her landlord kicked her out because she didn't pay rent on time.

Kara sat in the dinner just drinking water, she had no where to go and it was raining. She felt like a pregnant teenager who was disowned.

She then remembered Oliver Queen, a friend of hers who recently moved to National City because the mother of his daughter died.

She picked up her suitcase and walked all the way to his apartment in the rain.

She knocked on the door which was opened to see Oliver standing there the smile vanishing from his face.


Five Years Later

(Rest of this part belongs to ChAnBlanger )

Kara smiled at the sight of her family, all reunited in the living room. She was seated in the middle of the couch, using Oliver's shoulder, who was to her right, as a comfy pillow. Mia, Oliver's daughter, had taken the other end of the couch. Oliver and Kara's youngest, Astra, was sound asleep in her big sister's arms. At their feet, comfortably seated on cushions, Evelyn, the couple adopted daughter, and Tommy, their son, were both already asleep.

In the love seat, William, Oliver's son, and his girlfriend, Zoe Ramirez, were cuddled together, sharing a bowl of popcorn absentmindedly.

As the main heroine was climbing through the sky with her doppelgänger while she was about to explode, they heard someone knock on the door.

"Who has such bad timing?"
Kara asked rhetorically.

"Don't know. I'll get it" he declared, standing up.

"Whoever it is, I hope they have a good reason to rid me of my pillow" he heard Kara grumbled, making snicker.

When he reached the door, he got on his guards, as he didn't recognize the man outside.

"Yes?" he greeted once he had opened the door.

"Huh, is this where Kara Danvers lives?"

"Who's asking?" asked Oliver, knowing that Kara had probably started to make her way to the door when she heard her name.

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