Chapter 19

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Lux and I stood in silence on the balcony of our Raxus Estate, the very one we first met in.
We were on our honeymoon.

The wedding had been beautiful. Because it was a royal wedding it had been much bigger than I planned.

I had worn a beautiful dress, it was strapless, ivory, and had lacy flowers. It also had a sparkly silver flower decoration on the left side of my waist.
I wore a headdress with a floor length veil, and pale blue flats, though no one could see them because of how long the dress was.

Lux had looked stunning in a matching dark grey vest and jacket suit, with brown shoes.

Malin, my maid of honor, wore a beautiful coral dress.

Saw, Lux's best man, wore a suit similar to Lux's, except he didn't wear a jacket.

The colors for our wedding were bright, joyful colors. They reminded me of Shili.

Lux snapped me out of my thoughts with a kiss on the side of my forehead.
"I love you," he muttered. "I love you too," I said as I smiled.

We spent the week there before returning to Onderon.

It had been a bit dangerous, seeing as Raxus is a separatist planet, but we were able to sneak into the estate.

We spent our days taking care of Onderon, for the king had passed less than a year after our marriage, and Lux had been crowned King.

Time Skip

I sat on a blanket on a warm Shili day, Lux's arm around me, as Malin, now a young woman, played a game with Ani, Mina, and Ashla, our children.

Unlike their brother, Mina and Ashla are force sensitive, and I've trained Mina a bit, but Ashla is still to young.

Ani, being the oldest, would one day be king of Onderon, so Lux has already begun teaching him about being king.

I watched with a smile, as Ani, playing the villain, held Mina captive, while Malin and Ashla tried to save her.

It was rare to have days like this, being the royal family of Onderon is not all its cracked up to be.

"We don't have to be enemies," Mina said dramatically to Ani. He feigned hesitation, but took her out stretched hand, and all became friends. I laughed at how adorable they were.

All of a sudden, I felt a disturbance in the force.
It felt like thousands of Jedi were being killed, all at once.
I no longer sensed Master Plo, Master Sceara, or... Anakin.

I found it hard to breath as I felt the force signatures of every Jedi slip away.

Worst of all was that Anakin was gone. I couldn't feel him, though I felt a new signature, one similar to Anakin's, but this one was clouded with the dark side.

I was suddenly aware that Lux was calling my name, the girls were hugging Mai, fighting the tears that threatened to spill from their eyes, while Mai and Ani stared at me with worry plastered across their faces.

"I-I'm ok," I breathed, "what happened?" Lux asked full of worry.

"A disturbance in the force, all the Jedi are dying, including..." I trailed off, not wanting to say it out loud, fearing that if I did, it would actually be true, and by not saying it, there was a chance Anakin was alive.

Unfortunately Lux was able to figure out who I meant and looked at me with sympathy.
He knew what Anakin meant to me, he was my brother, my best friend, now he's gone.

"'Soka, I'm so sorry," Lux said as he pulled me into a hug. 

I couldn't hold back the tears anymore, I let it all out.
I didn't want to cry in front of the kids, but I couldn't help it, everyone I had ever know for most of my life was likely dead, and I don't even know why, or who did it.

I bet Anakin was fighting a huge battle with the 501st legion, and he died saving his men.

I wonder if Rex is ok...

"Let's go back to the house," Lux said, helping me up.

I nodded as we began walking back to the house where my parents were likely waiting.


That night I lay in bed, Lux's arms around me as he snored quietly.

They're all gone, everyone is gone,



"As you know by now, the Jedi have fallen, you are one of few survivors,"

"There are more?! Where?! Who?!"

"They are scattered across the galaxy, though I cannot tell you who they are, only that they are in danger, and that it is your responsibility to save them,"


"There is a resistance forming, you must join it and save the galaxy,"

My eyes opened and I was staring at my ceiling.

Well, here goes nothing.


Soooo that's the end of the book. Hehe.

But If this does well, I'll make a sequel.

I hope you all have a wonderful day/night, bye!

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