31 - boom bish

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"You son of a bitch!" 


"How could you let this happen?" 


"It's not his fault, it's mine." 


"Will everybody shut up please?"


"Guys she needs rest!" 


"Madam you cannot leave me hear to rot! I don't mix with the likes of baboons!"


"Just be okay kid."


Door opening and shutting.

A whisper, so soft it's like a prayer.

"Please my love, I'm so sorry, please."



"Holy fuck! That hurts!"

Pain. Like a fucking cinder block.

"Kayla?" Three voices.


One voice.

I'm in the hospital, I thought, but then the rest of the world came into focus around me, and I realized that this wasn't a hospital room. It was my room. At Hawthorne House.

Seconds passed like molasses. It took everything I had not to claw the tubes out of my body. Memory settled in around me. My friends' voices—and Grayson's. Lightning and fire and—

There was a bomb.

A nearby monitor began sounding some kind of alarm, and the next thing I knew, a woman in a white doctor's coat rushed into the room. When I recognized her, I thought I was dreaming again.

"Dr. Chase?"

"Welcome back, Kayla." Lena's mother fixed me with a no-nonsense look. "I need you to lie back and breathe."


About 2 days later I was out of bed and free.

"So you wanna talk about it?" I asked Lena.

"The fact you almost got blown up?"

"No about your mom."

"Not particularly."

"How long was I out?"

"A week." Isaac answered, his voice hoarse.

We were all in my room, the usual suspects.

"They told us you might not wake up." Luke stated.

"Guys I'm so sorry." I apologised.

Soon enough all three were hugging me.

"Never fucking do that again."


"I came to see you." Grayson said.

We were laying in his bed together, just talking.

"Every day."

"Every day?"

"Every god damned day Love."

There was silence then he spoke.

"I'm sorry."

"What for?"

"A bomb went off and I didn't do anything. You were on the ground and I stood there."

"Gray, as heiress to your grandfathers fortune I forbid you to blame yourself."

"Money, Money, Money" [2] G. HawthorneWhere stories live. Discover now