9 - This isn't the normal stuff

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Kayla's pov

TW - Mentions of assault, rape and overall law and order shit.

What is perhaps the worst part of being assaulted besides the being assaulted bit is that you never feel the same again.

Like ever.

And that day was just a reminder, no matter the amount of 'justice' received there would always be a part of me that'd be lost that day.

So there I sat, in the car, on the way to the courthouse to take the stand against my rapist.


My sister's douchebag ex-boyfriend who deserved hell, but even that'd be to kind to him.

My stomach was doing flips and I felt like I was gonna pass out.

"Hey," Luke said from the back seat "you're gonna be okay." 

He reached his hand out and placed it on my shoulder.

Isaac gave me a reassuring smile and I forced one back.

"It's all gonna be okay Kayla." Alisa reassured.

Would it though?

This wasn't something out of a book.

This wasn't To Kill A Mockingbird or The Perks Of Being A Wallflower.

This was reality and that was shit scary to me.

In the car with me was as follows:

Issac driving with me in the front.

Xander, Grayson and Luke in the middle

And alisa and Thea at the very back.

Avery, Nash, Jameson, Libby, Rebecca, Zara and Oren had taken another car.

We pulled up to the courthouse and all piled out of the car.

Camera's flashed everywhere people on both sides.

Some supporting me and painting me as a saint and others calling me a slut and defending Drake.

There were lots of question's about Grayson and I which didn't help my nerves whatsoever.

Right as we were about to enter the courtroom Grayson stopped me.

"Kayla, I just wanted to tell you - "

"Now's not the time Hawthorne."

"Can we talk after this is over?"

"Fine" I sighed.


"All rise for the judge."

(Listen idk how court proceedings work this is based off me watching Jonny depp v amber heard)

Most of it was a blur, Drake made his claims, Alisa objected in anyway she could.

"The plaintiff will now take the stand."

Shit that's me.

"Can you describe the attack?" The defence attorney asked me.

"I'm going to need you to be more specific." I said calmly.

Alisa had coached me on what to say and do. I had pretty much fallen asleep during those classes but now it was all coming back to me.

"Can you describe what the defendant did to you."

I heaved a sigh before speaking, my face not changing.

"He hit me multiple times on my face and chest and held a knife against my collarbone and on the night of December 15th he raped me." I said, my hands gripping onto the stand for dear life.

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