5 - My bodyguard yells at pervs

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True to his word, Isaac stuck by me.

Despite my head of security's promise about "blending," there was nothing discreet about being a seventeen-year- old with a bodyguard.

Italian. English lit. History. Guitar. As I sat through my classes, my fellow students didn't stare. They not-stared—so conspicuously, it felt worse. By the time I made it to Spanish, I was ready to take my chances with the internet commenters and locker vandals of the world on my own.

"Can you just wait in the hall?" I asked Isaac.

"If I want to be out of a job," he replied gamely, "sure." Part of me had to wonder if Isaac was really going to this. length because of the locker incident—or if it was because Ricky was in town and making noise.

"Dude, I will re-hire you, I swear. Having your bodyguard who is arguably one of your best and only friends come to a high school full of elitists which you really wanna drop out of because it has no significance in your life and follow you around like Mary's fucking lamb isn't exactly fun."

I was jumping up and down at this point.

Isaac smiled.

"Yeah I ain't exactly happy about being back here either Kay, but what can you do?"

"I-" my train of thought was stopped when I realised something.

"Did you just call me Kay?"

"I uh..."

"Oh my god you did!" I jumped up and down screaming.

"It was an accident I swear." He said.

"I'm not mad relax!" I told him, still jumping up and down.

Suddenly I froze upon hearing a wolf whistle.

I turned around to see a group of boys.

They chuckled slightly.

It suddenly occurred to me I had been jumping up and down in a skirt.

"The hell you laughing at huh?" Isaac yelled.

They all froze slightly.

"Turn around and walk away boys, shows over." I yelled.

They all scrambled to leave.

"Kayla..." Isaac began.

"Don't say anything and certainly don't say I told you so or try and take some type of pity on me, I don't fucking want it."

He swallowed and nodded.

"Sick pervs." I mouthed under my breath.

"Protect your daughters." They said. What about "educate your sons" ?

Trying to shut out that thought, I plopped down into a seat in Spanish class.

Right before class began, Thea sat down at my lab table. She raked her eyes over Isaac, then turned back to me. "Not bad," she murmured to me.

My life was literally a tabloid story, but at least Thea Calligaris thought my bodyguard was hot.

"Bitch don't you have a girlfriend?"I asked her under my breath.

"Yeah, and you have a boyfriend, but don't you ever watch John Wick, Mission Impossible, or Batman or some shit like that and look at Keanu Reeves, Tom Cruise or Christian Bale and think huh, I'd like to fuck that?"

I considered her point for a moment.

"Fair play."

"Plus he looks like he'd be a mob boss." 

"Thank you! Someone who agrees!"

Class started before Thea deigned to answer, and she didn't speak again until we were let loose on the assignment. "Rebecca and I were there when Sir Geeks-a- Lot sank that letter of his in the tub," Thea said lightly. "We know all about the new game." Her expression shifted, and for a split second Thea Calligaris looked almost vulnerable. "It's the first thing in an eternity that has gotten Bex to wake up."

"Wake up?" I repeated. I knew that Thea and Rebecca had a history. I knew that they'd split up in the wake of Emily's death, that Rebecca had withdrawn from everyone and everything.

But I had no idea why Thea expected me to care about either of them now.

"You don't know her," Thea told me, her voice low. "You don't know what Emily's death did to her. If she wants to help Xander with this? I'm going to help her. And I just thought that you might want to know that we know about you-know-who." About Toby. "We're in this. And we're not telling anyone."

"Is that a threat?" I asked, my eyes narrowing.

"Literally the opposite of a threat." Thea gave an elegant little shrug, like she really didn't care whether I trusted her or not.

"Fine," I said. Thea was Zara's niece by marriage. That Toby was alive wasn't a secret I would have trusted her with, but Xander had—which made no sense, because Xander didn't even like Thea.

"Just to be clear, I'm done playing this game or whatever shit this is, you want help, my sister's the gal for you." I said.

"Okay," Thea shrugged. "But just so we're clear, I like you much better."

That got a smile out of me.


WC: 756

Short chapter Ik, sorry.

Thoughts so far?

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