13 - grown up things

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Kayla's pov

I rubbed my head and sighed.

Why life why?

Isaac, Luke, Thea and Nash were currently sat on my bed or on my floor trying to help me make one of the most important decisions of my life.

Well, Luke, Thea, Xan, Bex and Nash were sitting. Isaac was standing.

Kayleigh sat in my lap looking very confused.

Same sweetie same.

And, no, for once the impending highly important decision wasn't about my love life nor my 'public image' if that even existed anymore.

Considering the fact half the world believed I was a slut and the other a martyr I'd say it didn't matter what the fuck I did. At the end of the day, they were all fans.

"Look Kayla, you know how I feel about this, but, it's your life." Isaac said.

"I agree." Thea concurred. "Babes, no matter what you do we're there with you."

"But that's the thing Thea, you're not. I'll be God knows where in the world. My daughter is here for fucks sake."

I covered Kayleigh's ears as I said the last sentence.

My daughter, aside from the people currently in the room and perhaps Libby were the only reason not to leave.

Fine that's a lie. He's there to, but I didn't know where the fuck he was. He just disappeared.

Where in the world are you Grayson?

oh and if you're wondering what I'm talking about, it's collage.

Isaac made his feelings clear and honestly I wasn't mad at him. 

He'd told me before he'd never been much of a school type of guy. And although I'd agreed with him at the time, I was contemplating it now.

The reason?

The University of West London. More specifically, the music school it was a branch off. The London Collage of Music.

They offered courses for both piano and guitar along with violin and vocals.

And in my opinion the only thing that'd be worth going to school for.

"Look sparky, I think if you feel confident about it. Go for it." Nash said.

Early admissions applications were due in two days. Then I'd need a student visa before I stepped foot in Britain.

But to apply for the visa in the first place, I needed to apply and then get accepted. 

I didn't need half hearted answers. I needed an actual one (no offence Nash)

Hence, I turned to look at Xan and Luke.

"Listen Kay, I'm your best friend, I'm there for you no matter what. You need me in London? I'll be there. That ain't a problem. It's just well...you know..."

He pointed his head in the direction of the now dozing girl in my arms.

"That's what I'm worried about too."

Then Xander spoke.

"If you're worried about seeing all of us then that's not a problem Madame, we'll fly out all the time. And there is always a break between semesters, Christmas and then summer. As for the young padwan (Xander Hawthorne's nickname for my daughter) she has all of us, plus her mother isn't exactly a forgettable person."

I smiled.

"Thanks Xander."

"And before Isaac can say it, I don't think she needs a bodyguard on campus." Rebecca said quickly earning a laugh out of everyone.

"Sure but what about in another country half way across the world where she knows nobody and we have no idea of who might want to hurt her." Isaac said.

I let that sink in.

Way to help Isaac.

"If you're going, I'm coming with you." He said.


"Old man's orders." Nash said before I could speak.

I glared daggers at the former friends but I was shut down by Luke who was glaring at me equally as hard.

"So what do you think you're gonna do?" Thea asked.

"I have no clue."


It's always better to have planned and nothing happens than for something to happen and not be planned.

Hence, I found myself crafting an application letter to LCM.

I wished Gray was there.

I remembered how I was stressed about an assignment for school once and how he massaged my shoulders until I relaxed and then helped me late into the night until we finished it.

God I missed that.

My hand went up to my shoulders, missing the warmth his presence provided me.

Whyyy life?

Then there was a knock on my door.

"Come in."

In walked Isaac.

"Listen, I need to talk to you about something." He said.

"Shoot" I said, my eyes not leaving the work before me.

"I meant what I said, if you're going to London, I'm going with you." He said.

I looked up at him.

"I thought you were kidding about that."

He scoffed slightly.


And just like that, the crafting of the letter turned to a draft which turned to a final letter.

"Ready?" Isaac asked.

"No." I replied.

Then I hit send.


We began to come up with a plan.

I stayed till my eighteenth birthday (I know the timings don't add up sry) and school started on October 22nd meaning we'd leave a day after my birthday.

No one knew about the plan except the people present in the room and they were all sworn to secrecy.

Gray and I had always made plans of what to do when I finally turned eighteen.

Italy was amongst them.

Spending his last few days before he potentially went to Harvard in Tuscany or Sicily .

Just the two of us.

Now, that was but a dream.

I had to wait another month or so until my letter came in, providing I'd been accepted.

If I didn't get accepted I knew what I wanted to do.


I wanted to see the world. It's art, it's food, it's theatres.

All of it.

Either way, life was meant to be good for me.




Btw I am an LCM student. Not currently in collage but have been taking their piano courses for the last 8 years. My results for exams just came in 80/100 - merit. 5 marks off distinction which is slightly aggrivating but what can you do?

Also, I'm apparently really good at jazz piano.

Idkkk ask the instructor who took my exam that's what he said (its really rare for them to say good stuff bout you idk why they seem sweet but their marks are anything but).

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