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As the evening settled in, Heeseung found himself restless, his fingers itching for the familiar comfort of a cigarette. Despite his best efforts, the absence of his usual habit weighed heavily on his mind, leaving him feeling unsettled and on edge.

Sunoo, ever attentive to Heeseung's needs, noticed his struggle and decided to take matters into his own hands. With a determined gleam in his eye, Sunoo fetched a pack of strawberries from the fridge and set about preparing a sweet treat.

He washed the strawberries carefully, arranging them in a bowl before drizzling them with condensed milk. With a satisfied smile, he grabbed two forks and made his way over to Heeseung, who was engrossed in watching TV.

"Instead of smoking, you can eat these," Sunoo suggested, holding out a forkful of strawberries to Heeseung.

Heeseung hesitated for a moment, his gaze flickering between the strawberries and Sunoo's earnest expression. But then, with a nod of agreement, he accepted the fork and took a bite of the sweet fruit.

As Heeseung chewed thoughtfully, his eyes wandered over to Sunoo, who was enjoying his own portion of strawberries with evident delight. The sight of Sunoo's lips, glistening with the remnants of the condensed milk, stirred something deep within Heeseung, a longing that he couldn't quite put into words.

In that moment, as they sat together in the soft glow of the TV, Heeseung realized that perhaps there were other pleasures in life worth savoring, ones that didn't come in the form of a cigarette. And as he savored the sweetness of the strawberries, he couldn't help but feel grateful for Sunoo's unwavering support and love, guiding him towards a healthier and happier future.

STRAWBERRIES AND CIGARETTES || HEESUNWhere stories live. Discover now