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As the day wore on, Heeseung found himself grappling with the absence of his usual companion: cigarettes. Each passing moment felt like an eternity, his fingers itching for the familiar comfort of a smoke.

But despite his inner turmoil, Heeseung was determined to stay strong for Sunoo's sake. He knew that giving up cigarettes was the right choice, not just for his own health, but for their future together.

Sunoo, ever perceptive, noticed the subtle signs of Heeseung's struggle, the way his hands trembled slightly and his gaze darted nervously around the room. But Heeseung brushed off Sunoo's concern, insisting that he was fine.

"No, Sunoo, I'm fine," Heeseung reassured, his voice strained but resolute. "I really want to help you recover."

Sunoo couldn't help but chuckle at Heeseung's stubbornness, finding his determination endearing. He approached Heeseung, a knowing smile playing on his lips, and held out a pack of cigarettes.

Heeseung's eyes widened in surprise as he looked at the pack, his resolve momentarily faltering. But then, with a smile, he shook his head and tossed the cigarettes aside.

"Sunoo, I'm fine," Heeseung repeated, his voice filled with conviction. "As long as I'm with you, I don't need those."

Sunoo's heart swelled with affection at Heeseung's words, his love for the man standing before him growing stronger with each passing moment. And as they stood together in the quiet of the room, their bond deepening with each shared struggle and triumph, Sunoo knew that together, they could overcome anything that life threw their way.

STRAWBERRIES AND CIGARETTES || HEESUNWhere stories live. Discover now