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Sunoo sat on the bench, his hands trembling as he pulled out his phone. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he scrolled through his contacts, his heart pounding with pain. With a shaky breath, he covered his face, unable to contain his despair any longer.


Startled, Sunoo looked up to see Heeseung running towards him. Relief flooded through him as Heeseung reached his side, offering a comforting hand. Sunoo collapsed into Heeseung's arms, his sobs echoing in the night air.

"I have nowhere to live now," Sunoo whispered, his voice choked with emotion, leaving Heeseung heartbroken.

Gently, Heeseung helped Sunoo to his feet, silently gathering his belongings. With a solemn nod, he led Sunoo to his car, opening the door for him with care.

As they drove in silence, Sunoo's voice broke the stillness. "Where are you taking me? Oh, never mind, I trust you," he said, exhaustion evident in his tone.

Heeseung smirked softly, his heart swelling with tenderness as he reached out to caress Sunoo's cheek. With a gentle touch, he reassured Sunoo, guiding him into a peaceful slumber as they drove into the night.

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