Chapter 2: Part of a Team? ( Part 1 ) ( short )

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It was a new day, Vi was in her uniform and was currently dealing with a mapper glitch that had made the house it was in into a battle arena as she was currently fighting off a bunch humanoid coyote bandits that were trying to attack her.

Vi punched a coyote bandit in the face when she got a call from Phil on her gauntlet, she quickly picked it up as she continued to fight.

Phil: Vi? What's going on? You've been in that mapper glitch for almost three hours. Do you need me to send back up?

Vi: No, sir. ( Punched a coyote bandit in the throat ) I got the situation under control.

Phil: Uh-huh. And how many are you fighting?

Vi: I think about twenty. Nothing I can't handle.

Vi then roundhouse kicked a coyote bandit that was about to grab her while she was talking to Phil, the coyote bandit flew across the room.

Phil: Uh-huh. Listen, kid, I know how stubborn you can be, especially when it comes to glitches from a certain kind of game. But... I'm sending a team in there to help you.

Vi: ( grits her teeth slightly ) I strongly advise against it, sir.

Phil: To bad, kid. Don't worry, I'll tell them to bring a few energy drinks in there for you.

Phil then hangs up before Vi could say anything in protest. Vi then dodged just in time as the leader of the coyote bandits was about to attack her, but he fell on the ground on his back instead. The coyote bandit leader then sat up and looked up at Vi as she summoned her sword from her gauntlet.

Coyote bandit leader: ( lets out an impressed whistle as he looks up and down at Vi ) ( to Vi: ) Look at you, girl. ( Stands up with his pack standing behind him ) You're still as fine looking as diamond in a coal mine.

Vi: ( unimpressed, with a glare at the coyote bandits: ) Am I being flirted with by a psychotic mutt?

Coyote bandit leader: ( laughs as he pulls out two daggers ) ( to Vi, with a cocky smile: ) Such hurtful words coming from a lady such as yourself. What would your daddy say?

Vi's glare at the bandit leader for his statement.

The camera turns away from the scene to show Vi and the coyote bandits' shadows on the wall as growling was heard coming from Vi as cat-like ears and tail appeared on her shadow.

( Slight Time Skip, with High Five and Miko )

When High Five and Miko got to the house, both of their eyes widened when they saw that not only that the mapper glitch was taken care of, but Vi was currently sitting on the porch, bruised and beaten up. The two quickly got out of the car and went to Vi.

High Five: Vi!

Vi: You know how many bad guys I had to fight to get here? I lost count, but it doesn't matter. You two go back on patrol, I had gotten this handle.

Vi tried to force herself to stand up by herself, but Five and Miko quickly stopped her and helped her up to her feet by putting her arms over their shoulders, Vi looked at them with slight confusion.

Vi: What are you two doing? I-

High Five: We're taking you back to headquarters so you can get you cleaned up.

Miko: Yeah, you look like you fought in a monster arena.

Vi looked at the two of them in confusion before giving in as she didn't see the point in fighting them.

Miko and Five helped Vi get in the back of the car before going into their seats. Vi silently cursed under her breath as she felt a slight sudden sting of pain from one of the many bruises all over her body as Five called Phil to let him know that they were heading back to headquarters and to have a med kit ready for Vi.


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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