Chapter Twelve

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As they made their way through the dark hallway, Simon led Mina to his room. She stepped inside, realizing that she had never been here before. It was just as she imagined it would be - simple and sparse, with only a few books on the nightstand. Guns were propped up against the wall, along with his gear set out neatly. And then there was his signature Skull mask, placed on display as if it were a prized possession. But what caught her attention was something unexpected, a small leather-bound journal sitting on his desk. She knew Simon to be a man of depth, but she never would have guessed that he wrote down his thoughts and feelings in a journal.

Simon entered his dimly lit bathroom, Mina trailed behind him, her worried eyes following his every move. As he removed his balaclava, she winced at the sight of a split lip, a bruised cheekbone, and a cut eyebrow that was beginning to swell. The harsh fluorescent light revealed even more bruises on his exposed skin as he slowly peeled off his shirt. With a heavy sigh, Simon examined himself in the mirror and muttered in frustration, "That damn tree really did a number on me." The sound of running water echoed through the small space as he leaned over the sink, wanting to wash the dirt and blood from his wounds. Mina quickly grabbed his hand, stopping him. "Sit." She whispered softly as she grabbed a washcloth and ran it under the hot water. Simon nodded and sat down with a sigh.

He watched as she wrung out the cloth and moved toward him, her eyes filled with concern. Her touch was gentle as she cleaned the cuts and bruises on his face, her fingers brushing tenderly over his rough skin. Simon wanted to pull away, to tell her that it was nothing, that he had been through worse. But the warmth of her touch soothed him, her careful ministrations easing his pain.

His heartbeat thumped against his chest, each beat matching the swift strokes of her fingers on his skin. He could feel the warmth of her touch spread through him, melting away the tension and pain. Her tender caresses made his heartbeat slow and steady, almost as if they were in sync.

The intensity of his gaze held a hint of desperation and longing as it remained fixed on her. Mina's eyes bore into Simons, filled with a torrent of guilt and regret. "I'm sorry... I never meant for this to happen," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. With gentle fingers, Mina reached out to touch his face, but Simon's hand grasped hers before it could make contact. He brought her hand to his cheek, his eyes locked with hers. A deep sigh escaped his lips as he turned his face slightly, planting tender kisses on the palm of her hand. Mina's breath caught in her throat at the softness of his lips against her skin, the ache in her chest growing stronger with each passing moment.

"You don't need to apologize. This is on me. I provoked him," he murmured. "He saw us..." He paused to take a deep breath before confessing, "Every time I saw you with him, I felt a rage inside that consumed me. And when he stumbled over all drunk, claiming you as his liebe or whatever... I had to show him that you belong to me, no one else." Simon stood up, his eyes darkening as a sly smirk appeared on his lips.

A shiver ran down Mina's spine at the thought of belonging to him, causing her to bite her lip. "You really are a psycho, Simon Riley," she whispered with a mischievous grin. Simon let out a low chuckle as he pulled her closer by the waist. "Only because you make me insane. Do you think I want to feel this way about you? I fucking hated you. But I couldn't stay away. You make me question myself and make me feel things... I've never..." He trailed off, unable to finish his sentence.

"Never what?" Mina's voice was barely audible as she looked into his eyes. "I've never wanted something or someone as badly as I want you," he confessed softly.

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