Chapter Two

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The next morning, as the first rays of sunlight illuminated the sky in Berlin, Mina was already hard at work, engaged in her rigorous training routine. The quiet solitude of the early hours allowed her to focus on perfecting her skills, sharpening her instincts like the stealthy shadow she embodied. As she moved through her exercises with precision, she noticed a group of unfamiliar faces nearby. The new recruits had decided to rise early, perhaps eager to impress their superiors or demonstrate their dedication to the unit.

As Mina continued her training, a few of the new recruits couldn't help but be drawn to her. With curiosity getting the better of them, they approached, not knowing who she was or the reputation that preceded her.

"Hey there, gorgeous," one of the recruits greeted with a smirk, getting too close for comfort. "Need a hand with that training?"

Mina arched an eyebrow, unamused by the unwanted attention. "I've got this covered," she replied, her voice firm and commanding. "Step back, and don't get in my way."

Undeterred, another recruit tried to approach her, reaching out to touch her shoulder. "Come on, sweetheart, don't be so cold," he said, his intentions less than honorable.

In a flash, Mina's hand shot out, deftly grabbing the recruit's wrist and twisting it with practiced precision. With a low growl, she warned, "Touch me again, and you'll regret it." The newcomer winced in pain, realizing that he had underestimated the woman before him.

As the tension escalated, Vargas, Soap, and Simon, who had been nearby, noticed the altercation and swiftly approached the scene. Vargas, known for his no-nonsense attitude, stepped forward to address the recruits. He spoke sternly, his voice commanding attention. "This is Lieutenant Mina Gega. She's your commanding officer, and you will treat her with the respect she deserves."

The recruits took a step back, their expressions a mix of surprise and apprehension. The seriousness of the situation sank in as they realized they had crossed a line they shouldn't have.

However, one of the recruits couldn't hold back a snide remark, muttering something under his breath about Mina. The disrespectful comment didn't go unnoticed by Vargas, and his patience wore thin.

Turning towards the insolent recruit, Vargas got right in his face, his gaze piercing. "What the fuck did you just say, pendejo?" he retorted, his voice low and firm. His intimidating presence made it clear that he wouldn't tolerate any disrespect.

The recruit gulped, taken aback by Vargas's assertiveness. He stammered, realizing he had made a grave mistake. "I-I didn't mean anything Colonel, I-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Vargas cut him off, his voice seething with authority. "Watch your tongue, or you'll find yourself on the wrong side of my boot. Is that clear?"

The recruit nodded, his bravado gone. "Yes, sir," he replied, trying to mask his embarrassment.

Vargas held his gaze for a moment longer before stepping back, his message delivered loud and clear. The atmosphere simmered with tension, and the recruits knew better than to challenge any member of Task Force 141.

As the tension eased and the recruits backed away, Mina couldn't help but let out a small, amused laugh. She shook her head and muttered in Albanian, "Qija ropt, ku i gjetën këta idiotët?"

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