Chapter 53 - Survivors, Loners and the Dead

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Chapter 53 – Survivors, Loners and the Dead

"Are you sure you want another round?" I asked in amusement, casually balancing Eosphoros in my right hand. My eyes were focused on Adam.

Adam crouched in the dirt, panting and cheeks flushed from the effort. He lifted his head, his mouth half open so he could pump more oxygen into his lungs. I knew he wasn't going to last another round, but it was fun to challenge him anyway. Boys and their egos ...

"I want to!" a hoarse female voice yelled, and we both popped out of the bubble of our fight.

This wasn't the Lightwoods' garden. This was a burnt piece of land on the outskirts of the city where the Shadowworlders roamed. Right now, we were surrounded by at least a dozen werewolves and vampires, both clans a good meter safe distance apart. They didn't get along well with each other. The werewolves had their upper arms crossed over their chests while the vampires leaned forward curiously. This was a training match, and I was here to teach them Valentine's and Jonathan's fighting style. I was here to show them how to defeat me and my family.

Adam got up unsteadily and brushed the damp dirt off his black overalls. It had been hard work to persuade him to come here with me. The way he gritted his teeth now told me clearly that he didn't find it a bit amusing to be embarrassed in front of a pack of Shadowworlders. Even if it wasn't an embarrassment from my point of view, he had fought well.

I turned to the woman and waved her over encouragingly. She was a little taller than me, slim but wiry with dark skin and hazel eyes. Her curly hair danced wildly around her face as she gave me a challenging grin. Werewolf through and through. While the vampires reluctantly followed my every little movement with their keen senses, the werewolves were more quickly drawn into the frenzy of training.

"Close combat?" I asked and when she nodded, I sheathed Eosphoros. I loosened my limbs and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear that had escaped from the braid I was holding my hair in.

The woman was about my age, her steps graceful and precise. She rolled her head back, shook out her arms, and then got into an attack position. I copied her. And then I attacked. She sidestepped too quickly for my human eyes to register. Even the runes that Isabelle had given me earlier didn't help. I spun around and just managed to crouch down as the girl stalked toward me. The grin was literally glued to her lips. Fighting a Nephilim seemed to get her excited.

I went into an attacking stance like Valentine or Jonathan would have done and she went with me. Shortly thereafter, we were struggling for dominance on the field. She managed to throw me onto my back, and the melting snow mingled with the smell of wet earth as my shoulders dragged over the uneven ground. In response, I lifted my right leg and in a split second had the girl hoisted into the same position I had been lying a moment ago. Her brown eyes widened ever so slightly, but the smile didn't fade. Not even when she struggled and after several minutes still didn't manage my leg off her body.

"Looks like you won," she admitted, nodding her head in playful respect. She sounded excited and pleased, like she had actually enjoyed the fight. My leg wandered to the side, and I held out my hand as I got to my feet. She didn't hesitate when she took it. Her grin was contagious, as was her mood.

"I'm Maia," she introduced herself. "I'm from Luke's pack, so I know pretty much everything about you." She seemed like an open person. I liked that. Even if I didn't quite like the idea that she knew my past.

"Nice to meet you," I offered. Maia brushed the snow off her waist and winked at Luke, who walked over to us at that moment.

"Things are going really well here." He patted my shoulder gratefully. Luke and Magnus had asked that I help train the Shadowworlders. The division Alec had created prospered, and more Nephilim volunteered every day to train with the Shadowworlders. But it still wasn't enough, so those who didn't have a partner practiced in larger groups. The point was to teach them how a Shadowhunter fought. Something the conservative faction in the Clave didn't like at all. "Thanks for helping out, Clary." He then turned to the rest of the werewolves and vampires surrounding us. "That's it for today, folks." Moments later, the crowd dispersed.

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