Part 1 - The Mutated Demon // Chapter 1 -The Earth Will Not Stop Turning

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Part 1 "The Mutated Demon"

Chapter 1 "The Earth Will Not Stop Turning"

I've never went through a portal. I knew what they looked like, but Valentine had always said that it was too dangerous to use a portal because the Clave supervised the portal-activity in Idris. They would have sent Shadowhunters to investigate. When I stepped through the portal Magnus Bane had created for us, I felt sort of nervous. I didn't trust a stranger's magic. But we had no other choice, Magnus Bane was our only chance to leave Idris and Europe far behind us.

Ungently, my feet hit a wooden ground and it was harder than expected to keep the balance. With a quiet sigh I turned my head and saw that the portal had already vanished. My mother stood next to me, she smiled when she noticed my gaze. Hastily I checked for my bag, but it was still on my shoulders. I slightly relaxed when I felt the rough fabric under my fingertips.

"Jocelyn Morgenstern", I heard an unknown voice speak and tensed. "Or should I rather call you Jocelyn Fairchild?" I looked around the room, a large living room decorated with a huge purple sofa and an ancient chandelier with lots of diamonds on it. On the walls were beautiful paintings of landscapes I'd never seen before. The room was adjacent to a glass façade with a balcony made of brick behind it. The glass façade revealed a view at the skyline of a city full of skyscrapers and neon lights. New York.

"I consider myself a Fairchild", Jocelyn said and smiled sadly. "Good evening, Magnus, I'm glad to see you."

Magnus Bane was a midsize man with stylish black hair and gold-green catlike eyes. He wore a deep-red suit with golden cufflinks and had a glass of blue liquid in his hand. An amused smile ran over his face. "You haven't changed at all", he continued, and his eyes rested on me. "Very interesting, Clarissa Morgenstern, daughter of Valentine Morgenstern. You look just like your mother."

I just stared at him without answering. I'd never seen a Downworlder before and my father had told us horrifying stories about them. He said that they were killers, monsters, controlled by their demonic blood. Very dangerous indeed. Magnus Bane didn't seem dangerous at all, he rather looked like a crazy warlock with a very special taste.

The warlock noticed my curious stare. "I bet my shoes I'm the first warlock you've ever seen", he said and winked at me. "Don't worry, Clarissa, I don't bite, only vampires do."

If this was a joke, I didn't understand it. It would take some time for me to get used to this world and how the living beings in it behaved. To be in the same room as him, a Downworlder gave me chills, and it took a lot of strength to keep my hands where they were and not slide to my weapons-belt. I gave him a weak smile and acted as if I found it funny. "Please call me Clary" I said instead. "Only my father calls me Clarissa."

Magnus nodded and turned to my mother. While they silently spoke about something, I looked around his apartment. The furniture consisted of individual pieces that looked so different from one another that it seemed as if Magnus had just tossed them together. "I though a High Warlock would receive enough salary to afford firsthand furniture. Your furniture looks as if you bought it on a flea market."

With an offended expression Magnus examined me from top to bottom. An unpleasant shiver ran through my bones. I didn't want to provoke him with my words I just wanted to see his reaction. At last, he was the first Downworlder I'd ever met in my life. I thought of them as completely different living beings with different behaviors and different values. I waited for him to jump at me, ready for a fight, but instead, Magnus just seemed offended at most. "Of course I earn enough, young girl, but I enjoy this furniture. Nevertheless, every single piece in my apartment is a unique item and very expensive. Don't bother other people with rude comments just because you lack a sense of taste, little Nephilim." Not the reaction, I had expected from a deadly creature with no self-control.

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