Chapter 7 - City of Bones

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Chapter 7  "City of Bones"

I didn't know how long I looked for him until I finally found him in the kitchen with the others. Isabelle was cooking something, but she might as well have started a fire because the whole room smelled of burning. Absently, Alec drew a rune on Jace's forearm while Jace had his eyes closed. And Adam was leaning against the fridge with a puzzled look on his face.

Neither Isabelle nor Jace turned in my direction when I entered the kitchen. Alec examined me from top to bottom, but he didn't look angry or leery. The first good omen today. "Clary." Adam made some steps towards me. "You look much better." Isabelle gave a barely hearable snort.

I nodded and ignored her completely. "I'm as healthy as possible." My voice sounded husky, but I couldn't tell if their presences were the reason for it. "I came here to see you before I leave."

These words made Jace look up. Our eyes met for a second, then my eyes wandered to Adam's face. The bruises weren't as vibrant as some hours ago, but they were still clearly visible. His left eye was framed by a dark purple one which absorbed the color of his eye. When I wasn't directly paying attention to it, he looked like an odd pirate with a lilac eyepatch. A smile appeared on my lips at that thought. Apart from that he looked fine. His brown hair was unkempt and fell in all directions. A warm smile played around his lips.

"I'm fine but it's nice to know that someone cares", he said and leaned against the counter. "You're leaving? What do you mean?" He narrowed his eyes in a discontent manner.

"Can we talk outside?", I asked and pointed at the door. Without hesitation, he nodded and followed me into the corridor. I felt Jace eyes resting on me at the way out. I didn't feel that it was the right time now to return the look. I remembered that I had called him Jonathan earlier in the training hall and he wouldn't forgive me that. As well as he wouldn't forgive me all the felonies my father had committed.

"Is everything alright? You seem troubled", Adam carefully said. I could see his eyes watching every of my movements and it bothered me that he had seen through my façade. It must have been the sentence about leaving that had perplexed him.

Therefore, I shook my head and turned to face him. "We'll visit the Silent City. Maryse believes that Valentine marked me with a special rune or even a spell and the Silent Brothers are the only ones who can free me from it. Although it's probably not a spell." Slowly, we walked down the corridor and reached the elevator

"They seem right", Adam said and pressed the button to close the elevator's door. "What I saw earlier in the hall ... It wasn't natural. I've never seen something like this before which means that the Brothers are probably the only ones who can help you. How can you be sure that it's not a spell?"

"Magnus Bane was here, he's the High Warlock of Brooklyn. He's sure that a spell is not the case for what happened", I replied firmly. I trusted Magnus, he seemed like a very experienced warlock regardless of his somehow unique appearance. And the fact that he was a Downworlder.

"What is a warlock doing in the Institute?", Adam asked and rubbed his forehead in a strange manner. He was taller than me and his voluminous hair made him look even taller.

At his question, I shrugged my shoulders. "He helped us escape my father", I explained and glanced at him out of the corner of my eyes. "Magnus created the portal that brought us to New York, and he allowed us to stay in his guestrooms." He nodded slowly but something flashed in his eyes. "I didn't know that you were interested in warlocks."

Adam shook his head. "I'm not", he said with a toneless voice. "I was just curious because we don't get visitors from the Down World that often." Then his lips stretched into a distorting smile. In this moment, the elevator's door slid open. We had reached the roof.

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