Team's Back Together

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Mr. Snake: Don't be ridiculous I just put sharks needs before my own

Mrs. Bat: that's exactly what marmalade said to me

Webs: yeah snake your being good

Mr. Snake: I'm not I was simply making a sacrifice so Shark could be happy

Webs: That is the actual definition of being good!

Mr. Shark: Snake you! the worst one of us the most selfish

Webs: Spiteful!

Mrs. Bat: Cruel!

Mr. Shark: Terrible!

Mr. Piranha: Sneaky

Webs: Dishonest!

Mrs. Bat: Annoying!

Mr. Shark: Insensitive

Webs: Manipulative... well actually thats bats

Mrs. Bat: thanks

Mr. Piranha: your also snakelike

Mr. Shark: Stanky

Mr. Snake: And your point is?

Webs: I think Wolf was right. Maybe we could be more than just scary villains

Then they all got that good feeling inside

Webs: Oh wow! Did you guys feel that?

Mrs. Bat: Yeah but I feel this all the time with Piranha

Mr. Piranha: and I feel it when I'm with you!

Webs: that means the good was there the whole time!

Mr. Snake: No no no! We'll always be Bad Guys!

Snake slammed the fridge and left the hideout

Mrs. Bat: ...You guys know what we have to do now right?

Mr. Piranha: you know it babe!

Webs: time for some classic breaking and entering

Mr. Shark: Lets go this!


The four of them broke into marmalades mansion but Piranha farted

Mr. Piranha: Sorry!

Mrs. Bat: it's ok sweetheart!

They all broke through the vents then saw wolf and Diane tied up above moving spikes

Mr. Piranha: surprise!

Mrs. Bat: did you miss us?!

Mr. Wolf: What? guys! I can't believe it's you!

Webs: You were right Wolfie!

Mr. Shark: We felt the wag man

Mrs. Bat: turns out it's the same feeling I get when I'm with piranha!

Mr. Piranha: same here! Now we know it's the same feeling!

Mr. Wolf: It's good right?

Diane: This is super moving but can we do this later?

Mr. Shark: Feels like I got a rhythm section in my fin!


Mr. Shark: oh yeah right!

Webs: I got it!

Webs pulled a lever that shut off the spikes and Bats cut the rope to free wolf and Diane

Feels Good To Be BadWhere stories live. Discover now