Mrs. Bat

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Name: Mrs. Bat

Age: 29

Real name: ???

Nickname: Bat. Bats

Outfit: A sleeveless black sweater

Husband: Mr. Piranha

Personality: Mrs. Bat cares about her friends and husband but teases them a lot except piranha. She also to likes to scare other people for fun and commit all kinds of crime. Mrs. Bat's role is being the eyes in the sky and lets the rest of the crew know of there's any trouble. She is also sarcastic manipulative and probably has anger issues

Abilities: fly 60 miles per hour or more, stealth, Smart, Super hearing and uses sound to move in complete darkness

Backstory: ???

Height: a little taller then piranha

Sexuality: straight

Voice actor: Grey DeLisle



Wolf drove down the street super fast and then looked at the camera

Mr. Wolf: hey you get over here! Oh I know what it is your afraid cause I'm the big bad wolf! The villain of very story


Wolf and snake robbed a bank


Mrs. Bat: Duh


Wolf got his picture taken In prison


The bad guys all put on sunglasses


Mr. Wolf: and this is the crew. Ms. Tarantula, Mr. Shark, Mr. Piranha, Mr. Snake and Mrs. Bat


Webs: everyone on comms? Do you copy?

Mr. Wolf: copy

Mr. Snake: copy

Mr. Piranha: copy

Mrs. Bat: copy

Mr. Shark: copy


Mr. Wolf: we're the bad guys


Webs stood in front a giant computer

Webs: it's crime time baby! Shark we need a distraction

Mr. Shark (on comm): do I get to improvise?

Mr. Wolf (on comm): fine please be subtle

Mrs. Bat (on comm): that's not going to happen


Shark threw a table across the room


The whole crowd gasped and Mrs. Bat was hiding on the chandelier

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