Chapter 13

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Slowly students began wearing their winter uniforms, cold Scottish winter was almost there. She preferred summer but every season was beautiful at Hogwarts, warm red and orange leaves crunched under her shoes as she was headed towards the Black lake, it wasn't that cold for it to freeze, she kicked a little stone as she walked around it. She carried a little blanket in her hand, she spread the blanket against a tree and sat down pulling out her book. A few strands of hair were falling over her face, one thing she remembers is Tom's hand on her face, holding her after tucking her hair behind her ears. She tried to stay away from Tom as much as it was possible because she still can't get a clear picture of the night they were together at the Astronomy tower, alone and she was drunk. She was worried she had said something stupid to him, he looks at her differently since then, his gaze isn't so cold it's warmer and gentler. His body is tensed, she can feel the tension in the air, his posture it's not so neutral it's not perfect anymore. She hasn't been to his class for 2 weeks, he surely noticed it.

She overheard something about him having night meetings with some of his students, with most gifted ones, every Wednesday a group of Slytherins would disappear from their beds and gather in a hidden room around a table, they would discuss subject they are forbidden to and practice spells which were never taught in class, they were given more opportunities then others, but everything is forbidden for a reason, spells that they cast are bad, evil, they are learning curses. Her friends are keeping secrets from her, they are leaving Hogwarts's grounds without anyone's knowledge and going Merlin knows where, they are acting different and strange, they are talking about greater world and are hating on muggles more than ever. Those included in that club where from the wealthiest and purest wizarding families. Why wasn't she invited? Her grades are above average and she has the same if not better qualities than most of them. Her friends are doing something, something wrong and dangerous, she's sure of it, she has to find out just what. 

Julius answered on her letter saying he can't meet with her, she pleaded and begged so he after her insisting accepted to meet but later, she's been patient and has waited for few weeks, they are to meet tonight at Hogsmeade. She misses him a lot, his warm hug and his weird and funny smile, he is her only family after all. She didn't even know what to tell him but she knew it's time to discuss some things. 

  She had a little bad habit for a while now, she sat here for a reason, she loved it here but when she wasn't shivering. She took a cigarette out of her pocket and lit it, smoke was coming out of her mouth as she leaned against the tree. She felt someone was watching her, she was scared whom can it be, then she heard the person laughing, she turned around and thankfully it was Barty. ,, When did you start smoking, yesterday?" he continued ,, You don't hold a cigar like that" She frowned ,, I started in August so shut it and how should I hold it then?" He sat next to her grabbing the cigar from her hand ,, You do it like this" He held it between his cold lips, he noticed her looking,, Whish that was you?" She punched him in the shoulder smiling,, Ow that hurts, maniac" He rolled his eyes jokingly and continued smoking,, I thought you were Dumbledore for a moment, I was prepared for a life lesson" He then got up with a wicked smile and stood before her while stroking his imaginary beard ,, Miss Alas.." He said in a deep voice trying to imitate their Headmaster,, I am dearly disappointed in you, such a bright witch smoking, I take that your friends had a bad influence on you, bad Slytherins, you should stay away from them and keep close with my favorite house Gryffindor" He had his head high in air while talking ,, Was I any good?" She shook her head , he was always the joker,, He would never admit that he prefers Gryffindor more" Barty nodded ,, Well yeah he would die for them and would leave us to die for him"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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