Chapter 11

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She was on her way to Potions class, she's on top of the class along with Theo, she was awful at them before but Nott is a great tutor. They became friends in their 2nd year and were inseparable since, especially when causing trouble. He's the one who introduced her to the rest of her friends, they were like a gang, that's how other houses called them the Slytherin gang. Boys didn't mind it at all, they liked it, made them feel like they had authority, power, like they were important. Her on the other hand didn't like it, she never craved power and authority, she never wished to be feared by the first years when she passes with her friends. All of them came from powerful families, wealthy families and all of them shared damn daddy issues. She walked through the door and made her way towards her seat, she was sitting next to Olie, the boy that professor Riddle terrorized 15 minutes prior. He greeted her with a kind and warm smile while adjusting his glasses.

,, You okay?" She was pulling her books out of her bag and just had to ask ,, Yeah, I'll show him next class, I'll learn every spell there is to learn and impress his arrogant ass" So I'm not the only one who sees your arrogance?. Slughorn had gotten in the classroom with cheerful expression like always, I wonder how can a man be so happy all the time?, I swear I never saw him serious, he's either happy or confused nothing in between.,, Good morning class, today we'll learn to make Alihotsy Draught it's a potion made from the Alihotsy plant. Drinking it or inhaling its fumes induced hysterical laughter. It's not dangerous but it is indeed irritating. You'll be working in pairs, with the person you sit next to, you may begin." She opened her book and began reading about the potion, it wasn't hard to make but it was tricky, she took notes on the margins of her book, her ink spilling on the thin paper pages.

Most of the work was done by her as she wasn't a team player much, she liked doing things on her own, without anyone's help. She was stirring the unfinished liquid on her table, she was doing that for a while, lost in her mind, stalking through it, thinking about her brother whom she didn't write to for the entire week, she to be truthful didn't know what to write, what to ask, should she confront him, if she does so will he make her join his night club of murders, or shall she turn him in to the Ministry?

From a distance Violet heard someone calling her, through the fog, at first she couldn't recognize the voice, but then she realized that it was Oliver who had been watching her for some time.,, Violet, I think it's done, you asked me if I was fine but I think I'm the one who should be asking you that, you're distant and distracted since the beginning of the year, like you aren't present at all, did something happen over the summer?" His expression was telling of his worriedness, they were friends but weren't close, he was truly kind and good, something she valued much, he was often bullied by their fellow classmates, especially by Slytherins. His looks weren't up to their standards, to them he was a geek but not really he was rather nice looking, but was shy around girls. He avoided her outside of class, well not her but her friends, as much as she told them to stop they wouldn't, they were calling him names, like mudblood and would take his glasses and throw them around like a ball. ,, No, no I'm totally fine, don't worry" In truth she was totally not fine. Now she was thinking of her handsome young professor again and about her patronus, why was he so confused and stunned by it? Now was she walking to lunch, she had her bag on her shoulder and in one hand she held a book, she always had her nose up in one.

While walking she stumbled up on someone, warm hand were holding her by the waist, she looked up and was met with Theo's angel eyes, he was smirking at her.. Should watch where you're going Alas, next time I won't be here to catch you, but I must say I like the idea of you falling on me" Violet rolled her eyes at him and removed his large hand form her waist, he was famous for his ability to charm any girl but not Violet, she liked him in her first and second year but after they became friends she realized that their love story won't happen at least in this life time, she would strangle him in his sleep.

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