Chapter 12

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She paced away from that classroom, she couldn't take a deep breath, like her lungs have shrunken, his presence was too hard for her to handle, the way he looks at her is not how a professor should look at one of his students, it's wrong but she likes it, she wants him to look at her like that, he's dark gaze was attracting her, pulling her towards him. She deprived of his touch, of his hands on her. No! She has to ignore those thoughts in her head, he's her professor for Godric's sake, he's just strange and is probably involved with Julius's night club of murders, she should just try to avoid him as much as possible. She'll write to Julius to see if their story's match, which she doubts. She was headed towards the Gryffindor's tower, the party was in their common room, they have the best parties. She was climbing up the stairs and already heard the loud music. 

On the door she saw, in the corner of her eyes, Molly and Gideon, they were with small group of Gryffindor's, she saw Arthur Wesley talking to Molly, they've been flirting with each other for a while now, they are like a match made in heaven, they get along perfectly. Molly was wearing a red dress with flower design, it was darling and it went beautifully with her ginger hair. She approached them slowly walking through the crowd,, Hey guys" she smiled at them warmly,, How is the party so far?" Molly returned the smile glancing at Arthur, her eyes were shining with love, he looked down at her also smiling, his eyes were also filled with love so pure one can only dream of it, this is the kind of love you tell your children to. He moved a strand of ginger hair from her face, caressing her cheek, she blushed breaking their eye contact.,, It's great, we drank a little, we're glad you could make it" she spoke avoiding Arthur's eyes ,, Alright, I'm glad too, I'll leave you two, I'll look for Eve" Both of them smiled awkwardly giving her a little wave as Violet was again pushing through the crowd looking for her friends.

Music was echoing in her ears and drunk teenagers were dancing, pushing her while she walked, she caught a glimpse of Theo and Eve sitting at the couch in the corner,, Hey Vi, how was detention with professor Riddle, hmm? Did he like the dress?" She was laughing at her now, Violet rolled her eyes and sat next to them ,, You're hilarious, I wore a jumper over it, so he saw only the half of it" A quiet ow was heard from her lips ,, Well why are we sitting here let's drink and dance" Eve looked over at Theo ,, He's depressed" she nudged him a little,, Some Ravenclaw slapped him after he tried to kiss her" Theo gave her a death stare,, Not true she ... I wanted her to do that" He would never go over his pride, he'd rather die than do so ,, Whatever you say Nott, you stay here then we are here to have some fun" Eve and her got up,, Oh and where's Bella?" Theo smirked,, With Barty" She rolled her eyes ,, Of course, don't tell Lestrange, he might get jealous"

 Eve and her made their way to the center of the party, dancing, drinking and singing, well more yelling but it's alright, Violet chugged down her 3rd shot of Vodka, the strong liquid was warming her cords while slipping inside of her, it was hitting her in the head and she was losing control, she liked it, she didn't worry anymore, her mind was blank, focused on the music and alcohol around her. The whole room was spinning, she wasn't aware of her surroundings, she had to get out, the small space and the crowd were consuming her.

The freezing air hit her hard when she got out, she was shivering only being in a dress. She started walking toward the Astronomy tower, she barely walked, she tripped 4 times already. The only way to climb up to there was to pass by his classroom and she didn't think much about it, it was the middle of the night, every sane person sleeps now. She saw the door of the classroom opened and the candlelight was flickering, h er stomach turned upside down, she has the worst luck ever. 

Her heels were quite loud so she took them off and carried them in her hand, she peeked behind the wall, she saw him in his suit and tie sitting at his desk, he was reading something and was in deep thought, he was like an angle, the little light from the candle was barely illuminating his handsome features. She run past the DADA classroom and climbed up the stairs, she felt the cold stone underneath her feet. As Violet was coming to the end of the staircase she drunkenly slipped, she closed her eyes tightly waiting for her body to hit the ground but it didn't happen. Someone was holding her little body, large cold hands were wrapped around her, she turned to face the one who saved her and it was the one she expected. It was professor Riddle, he looked at her cleavage firstly and then brought his eyes to meet hers. Their faces were inches apart and she could feel his warm breath brushing along her neck.

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