Chapter 4

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2 days before

Heavy footsteps were echoing the empty halls and chilly air was whispering loudly as a familiar stranger was observing and breathing in everything that changed since his last visit to Hogwarts. It seems he was waiting for something, someone. His steps have gotten more nervous as more time passed, finally the wooden door in front of him slowly opened and a few professors walked out. Among them was Albus Dumbledore the Headmaster. Stranger clasped his hands together nervously awaiting for a man before him to speak.

,,Well Mr.Riddle I'm more than thrilled to say that you can start teaching next Monday" Dumbledore shook a hand of man and smiled at him generously, man returned the smile but it didn't quite reach his icy blue eyes which were only a tiny detail of his fascinatedly built face. He was hiding underneath a black coat and its hood was falling over most of his face.

,, I appreciate this a lot sir, I won't disappoint you for choosing me " his tone was calm and dark.

,,Wouldn't even consider that Tom, you were always perfect at everything you did" To be honest Albus didn't think very highly of Tom but he chose him on purpose, the old saying goes keep your friends close and your enemys even closer.

Man was proudly uprising wizard in front of him and he seemed to enjoy it. So man was indeed Tom Marvolo Riddle, fascinating individual that one. Some would say he accomplished what he wanted at young age because of his high intelligence but this wasn't even the beginning of what Tom wishes for to do in his immortal life. After a short chat with professors he left to unpack in his new room, it wasn't really fancy as one he had in his Manor but it was enough for now. He looked at a ring he wore, he took it from his father the same night as the manor, same night he killed him in gruesome pain. His new office was at the second-floor corridor, it was next to a staircase leading to the first-floor corridor. He was pleased with it as he expected much smaller room, this was spacious and it had two large windows and a terrace it was looking at the Lake which he adored to sit next when he was a student.

The room was close to the library but also close to girls bathroom underneath which was Chamber of Secrets he least visited when he was 16 years old and when he made his very first horcrux. He did it by killing a girl, filthy mudblood, she became a ghost so he better avoid that bathroom even if she doesn't have clear memory of how she died it was better not to risk it. He had 5 horcruxes for now his diary, Salazar Slytherin's locket, Rawenclaw's diadem, Marvolo Gaunts ring and Helga Hufflepuff's cup, he took the cup 3 years prior from Hepzibah Smith. It was one of good things he found out while he worked at Borgin and Burkes in Knockturn Alley. Tom despised working there but there were perks such as finding the cup and Slytherin's locket, he also got voluble information about quite amount of dark artifacts. Borgin was a pain in the ass and an awful wizard, he can't say he's much better but he is. Borgin was selling things so precious that they should be in a museum but he sold them to arrogant and filthy people that do not appreciate their power and uniqueness. Tom was amazing at selling was the best worker there, with his charms, good looks and big knowledge he could sell anything even a piece of paper would be purchased. But he was the worker and he was not going to tolerate that, many will work for him not opposite way.

It was 2 days before 1. Of September and he had a mission, finding more followers. He had already a pleasing number of them but he wanted more and he always gets what he wants one way or other. It was dark outside when he finished unpacking, he had casted Lumos and went to visit his spot. He climbed up to the Astronomy tower and stooped to look at impeccable beautiful view, he had forgotten Hogwars's uniqueness and specialness for years he had it engraved as a place he will one day destroy.When he was a child he was living for period from September to June, he hated summer, he hated every warm and sunny day of it, every bloomed flower and every day he would have to stay at that dammed muggle orphanage, kids would say he was adopted every year and that nobody wanted to keep him so they would return him. So many times Tom tried to stay here for the summer but Dumbledore would never even consider it, he would just brush him off. Word can't explain how much he wants to see that old man dead to see light disappear from his eyes to see his least breath leave his lips. He wants him to feel pain like he felt, he wants to take his revenge one and for all to show him he isn't a little kid whom he can manipulate, he wants him to know he isn't one in charge anymore that Lord Voldemort is. Only one can live forever.

He was leaning against the metal fence as he took a deep breath, it was raining and smell of rain was his favorite, chilly air brushed against his black curls that were falling over his forehead, wind was blowing little drops of water at him but he didn't mind he liked it. After some time, his coat was starting to get wet and his hair had fallen to his eyes as curls had lost their texture due to water, but he didn't mind it even the tiniest, he just sleeked his hair back and returned his gaze on the full moon, he admired it for almost an hour until he got tired and went to sleep or at least stare at the wall for 2 hours and sleep 3.

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