Chapter 9

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Julius was looking at his gold watch, his father gave it to him when he started at Hogwarts , it said 11:47 the meeting is starting at midnight, how original of Tom, he appeared at the gates of the Malfoy manor, there was a man with long white hair who stood leaned against it, Abraxas was already waiting for him worried look was on his face, they are close friends,, Hey everything will be fine, Julius just say the truth, he'll know if you lie to him" They slowly walked towards the front door of the manor,, I know Abraxas but he's probably pissed at me, he hates not knowing something, I already prepared myself for Cruciatus curse" Abraxas stopped before opening the tall, dark door ,, He knew, I told him few months ago, I knew he would find out so better I tell him but when I told him he wasn't angry or anything he simply said If I want to make her a death eater no one can stop me but I'll think about it Julius is one of my closest .... followers." Julius punched Abraxas right in the middle of the face ,, You idiot, traitor why did you tell him " Abraxas got up but didn't return the punch. His nose was covered in blood.

,, Alright I might have deserved that, I told him to save you, he would know now if I didn't tell him so I doesn't matter, let's go inside or we'll be late." Julius walked a bit behind Abraxas, to be honest he was a little scared but he would never admit it, he's maybe one of the only people to know what's Tom capable of and he knew he had a reason to be scared, Tom did terrible things to those who lied or betrayed him.

He felt like his heart dropped to his stomach when he walked in the room where everyone was sitting. There was a big wooden table in the middle, at the top of it was Tom next to him on one side sat Abraxas and on the other side was empty chair waiting for him, as he walked he saw Dolohov, Nott, Mulciber and Avery as expected but one person surprised him Fenrir Greyback was sitting next to his chair. There were more people in the room he recognized from the Daily Prophet, they were from the Ministry, spies that worked for Tom, impressive truly how he can turn someone on his side in a blink of an eye.

,,Nice of you to join us Julius, sit" He sat down looking directly at Abraxas who slowly gave him a little nod that everything will be fine. ,, So as we agreed we meet today, you might have noticed a few new faces but I assure you everyone who sits in this room is loyal to me and is one of our own. They are too smart to even try betraying us, they know what'll happen to them" Tom glanced to Julius in that moment and continued speaking

,,I'm aware of your dissatisfactions regarding me teaching at Howgwarts but soon time will come for us to rise just be patient, I've found some interesting student I think can join us, like your son, Theodore" he was now talking to Nott,, It would be pleasure sir" Nott was truly more scared of Tom then loyal out of some wish to change the world ,, And now Julius" Julius took a deep breath looking at him ,,You were in Albania right?" Julius stood quiet for a few moments ,, I- yes" Tom grined at his reaction,, And... did you bring me what I asked you to?" Julius opened his bag and got out a white box,, Here" He handed him the box, Tom slowly opened the box and saw a beautiful diadem, it was made out of silver with huge blue gems words can't explain it's beauty,, Rawenclaw's diadem" He whispered under his breath. Everybody was carefully looking at their leader who admired the object in his hand.

Tom broke the silence speaking,, Yaxley were you useful from our last meeting". Corban Yaxley was a tall skinny man, he had blue hair and dark blue eyes, hence was adored by witches he worked at Ministry of Magic but was loyal to him ,, Yes my Lord, the Ministry is covering our crimes, they are saying the murders aren't connected but they are secretly searching for the one responsible, also Squibs are protesting as they are ,, equal to us pure-blood wizards."

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