Chapter 3

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     They were walking down the street and Julius caught a glimpse of his sister standing in front of a bookstore admiring books in the window display. She was always a book nerd and that was a positive thing about her she would share her thoughts about a book but if she notices you're not interested she would change the subject to something you like, she was like that pleasing others rather than herself. Her honey brown hair was falling over her face as she leaned down to take a closer look. Violet's hair went perfectly with her dark eyes that were almost dark as night itself. You could get lost in them like in the dark. Malfoy had a smirk on his face as he approached her from behind scaring her.

,,Well, hello there'' He said as he hugged her, she hugged him back and tried to ruin his hairstyle but was unable ,,Hello Abraxas nice to see you it's been a while'' Julius stood next to Violet and three of them could be seen in the reflection of the window display, all of them looked so different, she had long ginger-ish hair, Malfoy had long white hair and Julius had short black one. Julius and her do not look like they are even related let alone siblings only thing that they share is their pitch black eyes and that's it.

,, I'm going for a butterbeer don't know 'bout you'' she said as she headed to The Leaky Cauldron. One thing that connected Julius and Violet was their love for butterbeer. They would sit by their fireplace and sip it in quiet. Julius made it at home and it was better than the bough one. It was sweeter and made more carefully with patience and love. They sat at the table in the corner it was their table, last thing Violet remembers about her parent was that they would sit at this very table and drink Butterbeer. That's last memory of them as a family. It's been a while since she came here. As sounds of slurping was heard and everyone's mouth was covered in white foam Violet felt happy as she didn't in long time.

Malfoy was talking about some old witch who he had met on his way to the Ministry, she had said he was looking a lot like her late husband and that she didn't mind remarrying but Abraxas minded even marrying. He had arraigned marriage by his family, they had to make sure he married someone of sacred 28 and pure-blood status, so like Malfoys. They were laughing so hard Julius was red like a tomato and she looked like she would. Abraxas was something like her other brother, she loved him almost as much as Julius, yes he can be an ass but his cold and evil look is just a mask underneath which he's good and kind.

Violet looked at her clock and it said 15 minutes to 11. ,,Fuck, I'm going to miss my train '' Both of the boys in front of her took a look at her clock and stared ,, Oh Merlin hurry we can make it with floo powder '' She never saw Julius panicked and it was really funny watching him being lost. They appeared at train station 9 3/4 and her brother hugged her so hard she had lost her breath, what was wrong? He was never this affectionate, she didn't give it much of a thought as she was running late and was last one to get on the train, meaning that chances to find an empty compartment were impossible. She had walked past three already and they were full, the forth one was half empty but in it was siting Walden Macnair and she could not tolerate him for 9 hours. Passing by she was looking for her best friend Eve but she was nowhere to be found.

Finally an empty, well no almost, half empty compartment, she slowly opened the door and clearing her throat ,,Sorry is it alright if I sit here?'' She said it so quietly she wasn't sure that the man heard her if she could even call him that he was about her brothers age ,,N- Yes it's alright'' Weird. She sat across from him next to the window and got her book out and started reading, men was clearly interested in what was she reading ,,The tales of Beadle The Bard, interesting book for a student to read'' As he spoke one would be charmed, who is this man, what is he doing here? 

,, Well it's one of my favorites, I'm re-reading it for the 3rd time'' He looked curious to know more about her ,, Rare book to find in original writing only old wizarding familys have those , who are you?'' he was staring directly at her dark eyes ,, Violet Alas, pleasure and who are you, you look a bit old to be a student and young to be professor, only fit for a janitor but you are dressed to nicely for that'' She looked at his elegant clothes, he wore a white shirt layered with a black coat and a tie. He laugh at her words and held a hand,, Tom Riddle, your new DADA professor and your least name, are you related to Julius Alas?'' Tom looked at the girl in front of him, she had long brown hair and dark eyes, she didn't resemble her brother much. She wasn't in her uniform but in a blue dress with flower design, she wore a silver neckless with her initial on it. The girl was breath taking not to mention her sweet smile that made you laugh with her.

Color from her face disappeared as he introduced himself, she had just flirted and made jokes with her professor well fuck, he knew her brother? She took a better look at him,, How do you know my brother, professor? '' She said last word in a teasing tone. He answered with same tone ,,Well my little student  we went to school together but I hardly recall him mentioning he had a sister "she looked at him and honestly he was quite handsome, he was more, he was perfection. He smirked at her darkly and continuing to read his book while occasionally he would look up to her to catch her staring at him. 

She fell asleep after and had lost track of time, when she woke up she was laying on the seat and was covered with something, it wasn't a blanket it was a coat, she looked at her professor and saw him only in a white shirt, his sleeves were rolled up and veins on his arms were visible while he still held the same book only as it seems he's almost finished and there wasn't a coat on him, he covered her with it. She slowly got up and Tom lifted his gaze from the book and now looked at her. ,, Morning sleepyhead'' he was still looking at her,, Morning um Tom, is it okay I call you that now until we arrive at Hogwarts?'' she got lost in his gaze forgetting even how to speak, how stupid, gosh he is a professor in Merlin's sake and a murder ,,You can call me that whenever you like just try not to in class, other girls might get jealous.'' He winked at her after that. He WINKED at her why was that so fine.

She saw her reflection and almost got a heart attack, she looks like she fought with cats, her hair was like a nest, she was a mess, thank good she didn't wear mascara today, wait he saw her like this? She quickly fixed her hair, and sat straight at her seat, trying to smoothly lean against the window but failing and falling on the floor. She was so ashamed she just started laughing out of misery. Tom also laughed and gave her a hand but he led for her to sit next to him not across and she did. They were close but he just kept reading his book and she stared through the window trying to figure out where are they and how long does she have to stay in here for. ,,We are arriving in 7 minutes if you're wondering'' he said it without even lifting his eyes from the book I started wondering what was that he read but when I tried to I couldn't, he used glamour spell on it. Train stopped and students got out of their compartments but he didn't even flinch, he slowly kept reading his secret book,, We are one of the least people to get of this train why are you standing when you can simply sit and wait.'' He was so calm and careless and it was irritating , him being impossible to irritate was irritating.,, Okay I'll sit" After about 10 minutes Tom got up and opened the door of the compartment slowly waiting for Violet to pack her bag and leave with him.

They walked one next to the other until they came across a big line, what was happening? Tom was much taller than her so he could clearly see what was going on, everyone's baggage was searched, probably because of suspicion that someone at Hogwarts could be killing muggles around London. They were probably searching for associates of the cloaked man from her kitchen. ,, Come with me" he said to the girl next to him pulling her by the arm. Just now as he was standing could she see how handsome was he. Shirt he wore was tight showing his back muscles, he was skinny but could still lift her without a problem, she felt so small next to him. He skipped the que and went up Argus Filch, the man was throwing children's books around like they were rubbish.,, Stop, where do you think to go stranger, who are you" Filch was not in the mood like always ,, I'm Tom Riddle, new professor and I vouch for her, can we pass it was a really long ride" Filch was not buying it he came closer to Tom and looked at him closely ,, No, go to the end of the line new professor " Tom's gaze darkened and she saw him whispering something while holding his wand he pulled Filch aside and then came back few seconds later ,, Are you sure we can't pass" Filch's expression changed as he just said,, Yes of course Mr. Riddle let me help you with those" She was confused ,, How did you?" You'll find that I can be very .. persuasive." They said their goodbyes soon as she left for the dorms and he to his new office, his things were already there as he moved in few days ago just went to finish some business and that's why he was in the train, least time he was here he was nervously waiting to find out if he got the job.

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