Past and Future

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This chapter is brought to you by the Google Dinosaur, who I spent too much time with waiting for my Wi-Fi to come back. Enjoy!

The plan to rescue Lucy had sort of worked - Natsu, Wendy, Mirajane, and the three Exceeds found her and Yukino easily after their guard trick.

The rescue team had not planned on being dropped into a secret dungeon with the kingdom's executioners after them, but they worked it all out the Fairy Tail way - beating their opponents senseless before asking them how to get out. It helped that Loke showed up with Lucy's and Yukino's confiscated keys. They even rescued Sir Arcadios while in the catacombs.

However, when they reached the big doors leading out, they were in for the shock of their lives.

Natsu charged at the doors to break them down, but they opened on their own.

"It's opening?!" Natsu stumbled over his own feet and went sprawling.

"Why?" Lucy wondered.

"Someone's waiting for us?!" Wendy gasped. Natsu stopped rolling, landing at the feet of a cloaked woman.

The woman stared at him, her face shadowed by her hood.

"Who are you?" Natsu asked. The woman shook and started to cry.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. She reached up to wipe her eyes under the hood. "Could... you help me...?"

Everyone recognized her voice - and they couldn't believe their ears.

She tugged down her hood to reveal the face of Lucy Heartfilia.

Natsu and Lucy freaked out.

"Another Lucy?" Mirajane gasped.

"It isn't Gemini, is it?" Yukino wondered.

"Or maybe the one from Edolas?" Happy suggested.

"I know you've heard something about the Eclipse door across dimensional borders," New Lucy said. Pantherlily and Carla started to realize what she meant, but she spared them the trouble of puzzling it out. "I came from the future."


Meanwhile, the Final Event of the Grand Magic Games...

"Fairy Tail is currently in the lead with fifty points! Behind them are Sabertooth, Lamia Scale, and Mermaid Heel!"

Haley continued running over the rooftops, hidden by her invisibility spell. Gray had just defeated Rufus, much to her pleasure. She hoped Hase was recording the event so she could get a screenshot of Gray in the hat later.

She smirked as she noticed someone else on the rooftops.

This will be a good fight. And I know she won't run away.

She silently summoned a sword and lunged.

Sherria whipped around right before she made contact.


They parried each other's attacks and fell off the roof, both smoothly landing on the street.

"You can't ambush a Sky God Slayer, Drakaina!" Sherria shouted. "I sensed your attack in the air!"

"Good," Haley smirked, deactivating the invisibility. "I'd hate for this to be boring."

They studied each other for a moment silently, searching for weaknesses to exploit. There was nothing obvious.

And that wasn't a bad thing.

Haley made the first move.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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